Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well, today is Sunday, and what a lovely relaxing weekend I had! Well, half of it anyway!
On Saturday, I was exhausted most of the day...I got up too early, and then was unable to take any kind of nap, due to a chihuahua who would not stop barking! Goodness only knows what had her invigorated all day!
She redeemed herself when she slept all night and all the way up to 8:30 this morning!!! I never get to sleep that late. The cat cooperated in this as well...he was still asleep at our feet until that time! WOW!
I have felt like a new woman all day today!!!
My husband, daughter and I went out to lunch together, and then to Target, where I finished using up all of the remaining money on a few Target gift cards from Christmas! One of my purchases, was this really neat Echeveria hybrid called Etna (or so it was labeled)...After some research, I feel it may be called Tippy or possibly be a hybrid of Echeveria chihuahensis. It has silvery aqua lanceolate leaves with prominent rose spinose tips, which is the soft, harmless "spine-like" tip of the each leaf. I fell in love with it. It has a few slight blemishes, hence the cropped photo...she was shy and asked me not to show her blemishes!! LOL. My husband made some really great lamb stew tonight. Then my friend Karen came over and we made some ATC's (artist trading cards). She really got into it. I took a photo of the 2 she made and the one I made, and I placed them on a new blog called
Julie and Karens ATC's
I will add a link to this blog on the sidebar if anyone wants to have a look from time to time! The other great thing that happened to me tonight was Green Thumb from India Garden found me at the new address, and I am so happy. I was stupid and lost a few of my addresses (which in hindsight I should have saved, duh...)
Have a great week everyone!


  1. Oh, pretty, pretty Etna. Who can blame her of not wanting to show her blemishes?

  2. oooh pretty!!!

    I love your photography, you have such a great eye.

  3. Hey, girl...I've been swamped lately, getting son's college prep things crossed off My List. More added to my blog soon. :)
    Nice new plant! It does look like my Echeveria 'Tippy', but could be E. colorata (previously aka lindsayana) or E. chihuahuaensis, as you thought. I hope it colors up for you as mine has in the past! If you'd like to see some succulent bowls (by many forum members in this thread), check it out:
    I posted many of my past bowls, 'Tippy' included. :)
    Hope that link wasn't too long.

  4. Hey Rosemarie! That forum is unbelievable!!! I never saw so many gorgeous pots of succulents before in one place! Your Tippy is very pretty, and all of your bowls are stunning! How did you do it all...they are so artistic! I can only dream!
