Sunday, February 10, 2008

Revised succulent tires!

OK...I proceeded ahead with what I had this afternoon to get my new succulents into the tire gardens! You can see that I really need a few more blue stones, and maybe a bit more of all my top dressings....but they look pretty good, I think. The only problem I can see is that my Mammillaria gracilis fragilis is camouflaged in the sea shells...I may need to remove the shells around that one plant...I have some black stones I can place around her. She is so covered with white stars, I feel the black background will really bring them out! I hope you will enjoy looking at them as much as I do!

The one above has the only cactus I could not move. it is too big Bunny Ears...the big green one with yellow glochids.

Above is an almost all CACTUS tire. There is one aloe in there. Can you make out the camouflaged Mamillaria???

Now here come a few close up kinda sideways shots!

THE END! That was fun!


  1. Wow Julie, your tire gardens came out beautiful! Excellent job. I love the variety of succulents you have. Are those some "Bear Paws" I see in the last picture, gently nestled between that rock?

    Excellent choice of plants for your seashell garden, it looks like an underwater seascape of coral. Very pretty.

  2. Wow, these are so cool! What is the pink one?

  3. Donna- no those are I believe called Kitten Ears, or Chocolate Soldier...not sure...but they are fuzzy as well...
    Thanks for your nice comments!

    Wicked- I am going to assume you mean the pink one in the last shot with the shiny blue is called Anacampseros telephiastrum varigata, or Mexican Love Plant, as Cindy I'D'd for me with the common name.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow, those are really cool! What a great idea! I got some living/split-rock this weekend. There were three in the pot and what a nightmare repotting them. I'll posts comments on that experience soon. I'm burned out from nightmare Disneyland today...

  6. I see your new little Mamm among the shells. Is the other Mamm a M. matudae?

  7. Oh wow, Julie they are just beautiful! I know, you are waiting for my picture of my succulent planter. On Wednesday the little darlings go home, and I will be able to catch my breath! LOL

  8. These are absolutely stunning!! I love those blue rocks.

  9. pretty! The blue glass pebbles set them off beautifully!

  10. Julie, these are fabulous! I love the colored stones you have; it makes such a cool backdrop for the plants.

  11. Wow, after you found me I had to come and find you. Really gorgeous plantings and photos. Wow.

    PS, I paint with watercolor. And you have a wonderful talent right here!

  12. Teri- hi! nice to see you and thnaks for your comments! Maybe i will try and sketch a succulent and try my watercolor pencils and see what happens! If anything detectable happens, I will post it!

  13. Aiyana- yes, it sure does look like that big cactus is a Mammillaria matudae. I can't wait to see it's little pink flowers come out one day around the top!

  14. Julie, these are very cool! You are so lucky to live in south Florida! I aspire to live in zone 9 or 10, one day. suzy

  15. Wow! Those are really impressive! I love the massed effect - you must post some pics as they get bigger.

    By the way, what is the name of the pale grey scollaped-edged plant in the second-last image (just to the right of the jellybeans)? I have a similar plant that I've yet to identify.

  16. xole- the name is Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi. Check out all the different varieties of kalenchoe to find your exact one.

  17. Julie....what a great idea for recycling old tires. They all look stunning, such a variety of shapes and colours.

    We have only a small selection in pots here in S. Spain, and you have inspired me to do something different. Many thanks, also for identifying the Winter Bells kalanchoe on mine.

  18. Hi, your garden is so pretty. I think I found the mamm....Really beautiful

  19. At first I did not notice that the black round was a tire. You did plant succulents in tires, did not you. What a uniqu idea! Blue stons, sea shells make succulents more beautifle.

  20. Hi Julie...Cool succulents you got there. I hope I can share my succulents with you guys here.
    Please visit
    have a good day!
