Saturday, February 16, 2008

Succulent Tiregarden #4

This is my echeveria "Tippy" on steroids! She has sparkly tips! I got invigoraged tonight!!!
My daugher and I have been craving a juice drink we previously had at Boma, an African restaurant at Disney's Animal Kingdom. They are very nice there, and give you the recipes for most all of their foods and drinks.


1 1/2 cups mango juice
1/2 cup pineapple concentrate, thawed
1/2 cup lemonade concentrate, thawed
2 cups fresh orange juice
3 cups water
4 Tablespoons grenadine

Mix together and pour over ice! Yummy!

My daughter has never forgotten this drink.
Actually you can find all of their recipes HERE


  1. this drink sounds really, really nice. I am going to check out that link for recipes...always on the lookout for good ones!

  2. Mmmm, that recipe sounds delicious! Love, love the new succulent piece. I so desperately want to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom with my family.

  3. Donna- I hope you can go...and check out Boma at the AK Lodge for breakfast, or any meal. Delish.

    Stapeliad- hope you can try some of the recipes...I am going to make the meat and breakfast ones...all GREAT! That Frunch juice is devine!
