Monday, April 21, 2008 may want to sit down to view this!!!

WOW...they are even prettier in photo!!! I took these pics at around 5:30 pm on my way home, and the lighting was perfect! They were just glowing!!! There is no added color or effects to these photos...this is REAL color! What do you think??? I went to Lowes and Target after this, and met a lady at Target in the garden area...she gave me the phone number for a nursery where she works out west of town, and she will be there at 7:30am. She said to call her and she would tell me if they had any right now!!! I wonder how many I should buy...I am thinking 6 to start! They will frame my succulent tires somehow!!! Oh... maybe 10!!!

Click on the photos to see them BIG!!!



  2. Oh My! These are a beautiful orange. They won't grow here and although they're beautiful, I don't think I want to move to Florida to have them. Too humid!!!

  3. I hear you Aiyana! I don't want to live here either!!! LOL...but seriously, you are way better off in AR. I would love that dry climate!!!

  4. They are truly spectacular! I am so envious — broms don't grow outdoors in Canberra.

  5. Julie, do you know the name of that particular brom? Are they so colorful because they are in sun? In other words, are tey green if planted in shade? I know some broms color changes depending on the amount of sun. Thanks for posting them!

  6. Love to have them in my garden, but no such luck- to hot here

  7. Wow! That flame color is amazing! So how many are you getting??

  8. Those are BLAZING, Julie! hope you get a whole bunch! :D

    I visited your friend, Donna's blog but can't leave a message, because there's no option for me. Figured she might like an ID on one of her plants. If you don't mind passing along this info to her, I'd appreciate it.
    Donna, The plant you have as Kalanchoe synsepala v. dissecta, is not, which has white flowers. Yours is Kalanchoe x kewensis. It's a shame there are so many mislabeled plants out there!

  9. Hi everyone...the name that lady gave me at Target is Red Bromeliad (this is just what she calls them)...she said she has green ones like this too...a lime green. I was planning to get about 6 of them, but today when I called her she said she was out of them right now, but when she gets them they are in a 7 gallon pot and sell for 50 dollars EACH!!! They will make pups, so I may buy only ONE!!! Anyway...these are called Sun Bromaliads, so I imagine it is the sun that makes them this color Vickie. They may be a red hue even in the shade tho, I just don't know. There are a bunch of very colorful ones of these on the prior post I did with a link to them. I think I would like one of each of them!!! LOL.

  10. I bought some broms online - I am telling my husband it is your fault :)

    My new brom border ain't lookin too hot. The plants were in pretty deep shade and now that I have moved them, their leaves are burning inthe sun. I may have to rethink that. bummer


  11. OMG Julie I dont even know what to say to these....absolutely stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
