Sunday, June 22, 2008

A neighborhood walk...

I took Doozey for a walk, and decided to take the camera, and try and go with a theme! It turned out to be mushrooms and lichen! These first 2 shots are so neat...they caught my eye because they look like stapeliad flowers! Then I realized they are actually mushrooms (I think). They were growing inside a rotting part at the base of a tree. I will do the I.D. on all of these when I can and try and add them to the post later. Are these not the cutest little things you ever saw. I wish there was a way to get them into my fairy garden!!!

And a side shot of them!

And here is a close up of some lovely, quite frilly-looking lichen or fungus on the side of my Moms avacado tree! Looks sort of kale-like!

These are your standard approximately 3.5 inch mushrooms (the 2 largers ones were about this size)...growing in a yard that gets a little too much water in our water-restricted area, if you know what I mean!!! LOL...they are obvious rule benders!!!

This little tan-orange colored one was under a tree, growing in the dirt!

Here is an inch around circle of some sort of white powdery growth growing on the leaf of a palm frond. My neighbor pointed it out to me on one of his trees, where he finds them all the time (interesting...I wonder what it is)...

And that same neighbor pointed out this small mushroom that felt very slimy, in his grass!!! It was down in the grass, so I had to hold the blades open to get the picture! And...NO, this is not all fingers from one hand...I looked at this shot for quite a while...first wondering how one of my nails had gotten so long (I always keep mine cut where you cannot see any white on the tips), and then wondering who can hold their fingers in this sort of fashion (probably impossible), and finally realizing that that top right finger was not mine at all, but my Moms!!! LOL.

And lastly...a cute picture of one of the neighbors trees, with a cute face on the trunk!

And that concludes our interesting walk. I enjoy these things, which I find worrisome on my part...what kind of a person enjoys fungus kind of stuff??? Oh boy! Maybe it is just part of the succulent life!!!


  1. I like mushrooms & toadstools too. They look like little houses, and when you find a cluster of them it looks like a little village.

    Your neighbor's circle of white looks like spiraling whiteflies (a pest bug!)

  2. you certainly found a lot! Your photos are great and I am waiting to see what you do next!

  3. Thanks Cindy...I will look up this spiraling whitefly, and let the neighbor know as well!!!

    Hi Tootsie- I never really know what I will do next...a sign of old age I guess! LOL.

  4. I like mushrooms too... the little toadstools at the top look like "ink caps" to me, or a very close relative.

  5. These are so cool-looking. I must be goofy also as I love anything interestingly shaped and have drawn lots of fungi things.

    Love those tree faces also.

    Great walk Julie.

  6. Loved the tour. I suppose with your humidity you have more mushrooms and lichen. We see very little of either here, so it's fun to view different kinds of the stuff found elsewhere.

  7. Julie, Love the walking tour. I have a Tree man also. So cute to look at. Also, Send me an email to I want to ask you something...

  8. Thanks for taking us on the walking tour with you, Julie. LOVE the neighbour's tree!
