Friday, June 6, 2008

Off the beaten path...

of succulents...

Just wanted to post about the amazingness of an Indian diet! So many wonderful vegetable recipes! Tonight we went out to an place called Saffron (Taste of Bombay).
I had a vegetable Biryani. Loaded with vegetables (green beans, peas, corn, carrots, onions, cauliflower, and mixed with rice, almonds, and lovely spices)...fragrant, and made like in the Royal Indian Palaces! It was delish!

For lunch I was at a Middle Eastern restauant, and had a wonderful cold salad made of lentils, and carmelized onions and whole garlic. This was like eating candy, the onions were so sweet. It had a drizzle of olive oil, and that was it. Wonderful.

All in all, I doubt I had more than 1200 colories for the whole day...probably less.

Being vegetarian for three days now has already given me more energy, and I feel happy and carefree! I never thought I could live without my meat, but I have, and feel better for it!

I am looking into some international recipes for a ton of variety!


  1. I must have missed the post where you said you were becoming vegetarian. Or is this just an experimental thing to see how you like it?

    Here's an easy lentil salad recipe. It makes a good lunch with pita bread on the side.

    You're brave to have Indian food and Middle Eastern food on the same day. Too many different spices and high fiber foods for me, I'd be full of, um, air by the end of the day!

  2. Julie I often have vegetarian days. I don't plan it, I just sort of gravitate there. My favorite is the microbiotic menu at Thai restaurants. I'm thinking that eating brown rice fools my body into thinking it is meat satisfied or something :) Vickie

  3. Vickie- that is a very interesting idea about the brown rice! Brown rice is a healthier alternative, for sure! I definately felt full the whole day, which astounded me, really! I have to look for that microbiotic menu at the Thai places!!! Thanks for telling me!

    Cindy- LOL...yes, I have to agree, there was a bit of air involved!!! Hee hee hee...but I woke up lighter today and feeling really great.

  4. Cindy...for some reason I can't click the link you have here for the lentil salad. It turns from blue to gray when I move the curser over it.

  5. I love lintil's and the link that Cindy posted sounds wonderful! Going to the store....

  6. I do miss being a vegetarian. There are so many great choices without the meat and it does make your body feel less heavy and you do lose weight. It is healthier for you as well. Maybe I will switch back after I have Emily!!!

  7. Oh, did you go veg? (I'm catching up on your blog backwards)

    Hey, congrats! You'll enjoy it. Nothing quite like a pile of fresh veggies.

  8. Hi Julie,
    Is this permanent, or just as a temporary thing? I did this for over two years, but got a little anemic and the Dr. told me to go back to eating meat occasionally since it wasn't for religious or ethical reasons that I started it. I just decided one day to stop eating meat. When he told me to start doing it again, I started just like I hadn't stopped. It was just plain odd, now that I think back to it.
    BTW--if you ever get to AZ I'll buy you lunch! Thanks for the compliment on my blog.
