Thursday, July 10, 2008

A "new" restaurant in Perry, Florida

Today we passed through Perry to stop by my Grandma and Grandpas gravesite to say hello. We found them resting in peace in their lovely country (and very quiet and serene) cemetery. I am always happy they are in such a perfect place...a place they picked out, where they really loved.

Afer this we left to go to the restuarant we always visit when there, called Pounceys...they have the best fried catfish and swamp cabbage....BUT...we found it closed down! One of the local people told us they had been in business 38 years, and the lady that owned it sold it and closed up shop just 2 weeks ago!! I got a few tears in my was a special place for our whole family. I had to send an e-mail out to everyone to let them know.

We found out that there is still a place in Perry where they sell seafood and swamp cabbage! I took some pics of the new place...Deal's, which is family owned and operated. I did not get any swamp cabbage...mainly out of guilt. After you remove the heart of the cabbage palm, it dies. I didn't have the heart. It tastes good, but just not that good to me anymore.

So, ever onward...


  1. When I went back home to visit, I was appalled to find that my favorite diner had closed up... you never consider that some places might not be there when you go back... Thanks for sharing your vacation with us, I've really been enjoying your reports from the road.

  2. We were all shocked at Pouncey's sudden closing.

    Deal's has been around for years, though.

  3. Hi Julie!
    I'm back blogging!

    What the heck is swamp cabbage????

    I do love me some catfish though.

    I have missed you, and I hope you are well. HUGS! Jessica

  4. OK, I'd never heard of swamp cabbage before. I've got to admit it doesn't sound very appetizing. So I looked it up. Found an article about it, and was kind of surprised to see it referred to as a cracker favorite - and I don't mean Ritz™! I guess it's a cultural, regional thing, huh?

  5. I am enjoying your trip with you!

  6. hey! I hate being tagged and having awards with strings attached take the award....and keep it! if you dont' want to do the 7 tag won't hurt me one bit! I think I may just follow your lead!
