Sunday, August 3, 2008

Trip to Ft. Myers/Sanibel and Captiva Islands

On the way over to the other side of the state, we stopped for lunch at a little Taqueria, called San Julian! It claims the best taco in Southwest Florida, and I believe they are right about this! ALL of our food was fantastic! He even gave us little shrimp cocktails on the house, to try, in case we pass back through one day!!! Nice owner. We will go back again very soon, as it is only about a 1 hour drive from our house!

While we were visiting the winter homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, in Ft. one of the shops there was this really pretty little table, with orchids painted all over it! I thought they were succulents at first...until I noted the flowers! LOL

Isn't it lovely??? I wanted to steal it!!! LOL

Look at this beautiful Sweet Potato Vine just pouring out onto the rocks!

Can you believe I found a second owl, made from the same mold as the entrance to the Edison/Ford place! It also had the front and back owl design, but was left in a clay form. It was filled with these beautiful succulents (I forgot to write down their name).

Then I found all of these cactus growing around on the grounds! They had a botanical lab (Edisons lab) tour...but we all got to hot, too tired, and too hungry to stay for it. Now I know I must return one day in the cooler months to REALLY enjoy this...and get my Botanical Lab tour in as well. I was sick over the fact that we just couldn't manage it! Sad.

This last picture is of a tree I found at the Worlds Largest Shell Museum, in Ft. Myers. It was in the butterfly section in there, and I had to take a picture because I like to make money trees for gifts for weddings, and going away gifts. I use an old tree branch and stick it in a pot with plaster of paris. Then I decorate it according to the color scheme and occasion. I attach small clothspins and we fan fold money and attach it to the "branches" of the tree. Well, this tree here has round metal circles attached all around on it, and then they stuck butterfly magnets on the circles! I found it to be quite great...and a fantastic idea for additions to my money trees, when I make them! I can envision a wedding one with white butterflies all over it! Gorgeous!!!


  1. first - the plant in the owl planter is Pedilanthus tithymaloides, common name of slipper flower or devils backbone. It's one of those 'pass-a-long plants that you used to see growing in old enamel pans on front porches...

    What a great little tour you had... wish there were more things like this in my locallity to see... And it would appear that you found a hylocereus (dragon fruit) on your meandering around.

  2. Thanks for the name of the plant in the owl. Now, I know you have wonderful places to visit in your neck of the woods!!! :)

  3. really like that little owl, but the table is magnificent!

  4. I'm glad you will try for a second visit (and another trip to San Julian!). Sounds like a fun place to visit.

  5. I've been to the Edison/Ford places too! How cool!! In-laws live on Ft Meyers Beach--cutest little downtown on the beach I've ever seen.
    You know--If I were you I'd paint my own version of that little cupboard. I love orchids! They are among the few plants that live in the house here. Most of my pets stay outside. ;)

  6. Great poems! I have been to the Edison museum and that shell store, but it was years ago. Now I see that I need to go back for a visit. Belle Glade is quite the place isn't it? Clewiston too. I think there have been a lot of dead bodies dumped in those canals. Alligator food, or so the stories go. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip.

  7. i love that owl planter! i'm gonna have to look for one now.

  8. hi, have a look at my post today, it's an invitation to you to join our weekly 'cactus monday'. hugs.

  9. Looks and sounds wonderful Julie! Love those cacti.

  10. What a delightful treat to visit you on soulbrush's invitation...Your photos are lovely...that cabinet rocks...why not join us for some Cactus Monday fun!

  11. You know it's gonne be good when they hand you a homemade paper menu! ;)

    And I second what carolie said!Although I do like your owl much more than the plain clay one.

    Take Care!

  12. That painted cabinet is Fabulous!

  13. I've been to that shell museum! I went to Captiva Island 12 years ago on business, and stopped by the museum on the drive back to the airport. What I remember most about that trip (early October) was how miserably hot and humid it was, and how warm the Gulf waters were. And, I got to touch a Pelican foot. It felt like velvet!

  14. Wonderful pics, Julie! That painted cupboard is soooooo makes me want to makeover over the old cabinet I have in the lounge room. OH, and the 'money' tree is a great idea...I saw something similar many years ago but it was painted gloss black and decorated with cherry blossoms. I wouldn't mind trying one myself as it looks like a lot of fun to do. Not sure what theme I'd go with though. My daughter, Michelle, would love the butterfly theme.
