Hey...look at the cool echeveria candle my SIL gave me for my birthday! It is a hen, of hen and chicks, is it not??? I love it...I can't kill it...
Today is early voting day for me. Does anyone know where to find explainations (in plain english) of amendments? My Mom, myself and my daughter all read them several times and tried to peice together that they actually say, (2 college grads here, and a smart daughter), and we cannot figure them out. I have decided to leave them for the people who possibly might know what the ---- they say, and may mean as far as any ammending goes. I think this is something that needs to change for sure...they need to be written in a way that an 8th grader can understand, so that anyone voting can truely understand and study and REALLY make a difference. We think they are intended for this, but yet no one can read them, let alone make an informed decision! What is up with that????? CRAP.
What a pretty arrangement. Love those hens and chicks.
Good luck on the voting!
Do you mean ballot propositions for the state of Florida? In AZ we get a Publicity Phamplet put out by the Secretary of State that is excellent. It thoroughly explains the pros and cons of each proposition and tells what the effect of each vote would be.
I agree. These amendments are for the birds. 5 people of average intelligence can't figure out what they mean. It's a lot of dbl talk. I'm not putting my vote to something I don't understand. Are all ballots of all states the same?
Aiyana- the Publicity Pamphlet sounds great! We needsomething like that here, for sure!
Lola- I don't know about other states, but these certain amendments are ones specific to our county.
I haven't really look at it, but a google search brought up this:
which looks promising. I'll post it on my site if it is good.
Kinda crazy that they don't send a pamphlet like Arizona - I suppose certain politians don't want to make it easy.
Wicked- Thanks...I am going there now to check it out!
I think it is really good . . I'm going to post for all the other Florida folks.
Wicked...I just watched the 1st one on a little video using FLASH, that tells you in language and pictures what each one means!!! This is great!!! I will post as well! Thanks so much!
What a perfect candle-gift for you!
Lovely gift...and happy birthday wishes from the desert for you too! :)
what a lovely candle...the rest is just gibberish to me...or all greek!
Love the candle. I would never burn it though.
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