Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Your favorite color!

I was looking up the meaning, and just general info about my favorite color, ORANGE. I came across this WEBSITE that lets you pick your favorite color from the sidebar to learn more about it. I liked everything it said about ORANGE! Give it a try, if you like!!!


  1. I know you must have loved my sketch from yesterday :)

    Thanks for website, yellow is my color and they only had nice things to say. No wonder I like it.

  2. Nice post and I have been on that site before, it is great!
    I did a post on orange a while ago±
    http://mandarianne.blogspot.com/2007/12/oranje.html. maybe you will learn more things about your color........
    And yes Teri´s post is so gorgeous orange!
    Greetings! >M<

  3. haven't been around for days, feeling sorta introspective...i will check it out and see what it says about red!
