Saturday, November 22, 2008

Succulents Saturday!

Good Saturday!!! I was a dummy and had these pics set to load small and all to the left! LOL. I have no idea how this will look when I post it, but I am going to go ahead and do it cause I have to get to cleaning my house to get ready for visitors for Thanksgiving! The pics (in no particular order) show the curly edges of my euphorbia (named REX by blogger pal, Serena about 1 year ago) with new leafy growth on the top (weird). The cut rosettes (total of 8, including the top) from my Aeonium...a last ditch effort to save something of it! My "Little Gem" Sedum, which is so cute, and a pic showing this mornings find...a little bud on my PINK Christmas Cactus!!! I know I will have both plants blooming very soon!!! There is a pic at top showing a successful cutting of a beautiful kalenchoe that blooms WHITE! I am excited to have it going strong now! Who is that hiding behind my pot of aloes??? I love my big plastic pelican! LOL. There is a picture of my bonsai Elephant Bush for Pudgeduck, and what is that succulent (3rd pic from the top)? I seriously have no idea what it is called! Is it an escheveria??? My huernia is going crazy...looks like a long armed creature of some sort! Anyway...there are a few pics of what is happening in my screenroom this week! Happy weekend everyone!!!


  1. All beauteous plants! Wow, what a display.

  2. the one on the right looks like senita.congrats on winning the xmas card pack.(see my blog). send me your snail mail address please.

  3. Julie you have a nice grouping of succulents here. I hope you have a great weekend too.

  4. Julie, Glad to see you took the plunge with the Aeonium rosettes! I'd suggest putting a couple of the smaller ones in soil & see how that goes.

    You are correct that the succuelnt 3rd from top is an Echeveria...I believe 'Perle von Nurnberg'.

    Your 'Little Gem' is a Cremnosedum. :)

    All your plants look great! Hope you are ready for visitors. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. Rosemarie- thanks for your help! I am terrible with the names...I knew in my mind that sedum did not sound right when I typed it. LOL. That's me. I have a Perle Von Nurnberg out in my tires...but you are right ...I think they do look alike. Neat...I think I propogated this from some leaves that fell off then. WOW. Cool.

  6. They are all so wonderful!!!

  7. Hope you have some luck with your Aeonium cuttings. You have just the kind of succulents that don't do well for me. Must be the Florida humidity.

  8. Do you know what the one on the top left is? I think I bought one for fifty cents last fall.

  9. Not So Crafty- it is a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, possibly variety called "Simone", which has white blooms. This plant had been grown in an office with low light and had only the first large leaves on it and all the rest of the leaves were very small on longer thin little growths. It was so beautiful and dainty, I had to take a cutting and try simulating the same environment to keep it like that. These are the kind that are commonly blooming red around Christmas and for several months right now.

  10. That sounds right, mine never bloomed it branches actually grew in a figure eight at one point and for a while it had nice leaves. But suddenly it turned on me and all the leaves fell off. :-(
    I repotted it so we shall see what happens.
