Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cactus bud starting to peek open!

You know this little cacus gives me so much happiness! It is so adorable, and fun! The one little bud, is starting to open. I hope once they all open they will stay that way for a while so I can see them all open at the same time! The beige color is kinda boring, but I think it will look really pretty next to the ultra white spines! I have turned into more of a beige lover the older I've become. My last car purchase was a shade of beige, given a more luxurious name by the car company, of course!!! And to think I always hated beige in my younger years! LOL.

As I was coming in from the tire gardens, I nioticed these neglected jars of distilled water given to me by my cousin to use in my streaming appliances. I haven't used any yet and they have been out there about 2 years already! Ha ha ha! I was gonna say that I have heard of 13 bottles of beer on a wall, but never heard of 13 bottles of distilled water in a driveway before! Anyone need a bottle or two???


  1. Well, at least I know I'm not the only person who leaves things sitting around outside for years... LOL The little Mammillaria is great. Mine isn't blooming yet, but it may a little later in the year. Or it may not, it did fall off a shelf earlier this year... after the treatment my plants endure, I'm surprised any of them do anything!

  2. I have that cactus too! But it has never bloomed for me. It just makes tons of babies.

  3. top one is a beauty, the bottom one is a funny!

  4. Julie, to put a gif in your post... go to the post a pic link in the new post menu... copy and paste the link into URL field. I use Photobucket for my gifs (it's a free off-site photo host, I used it for my ebay pics too)... they have several links, the link you need would be the "direct link" Hope that helps...

  5. hey,
    I am so sorry I took so long to reply about my little cat figures. Well thank you very much for the comment. It was very kind of you to look at my blog.

  6. I think that little cactus is going to give you a Christmas present. Keep us updated.

    What's funnier than the bottles of water sitting there is the fact that you showed us a photo of them! LOL

  7. That cactus looks like it has a snowflake pattern all over it. Quite beautiful. I don't think distilled water spoils, does it?

  8. Nothing boring about this beige beauty blooming on your cactus.

  9. Can imagine how this cactus wonder fills you with joy. It is nice that you can see the wonder of nature´s things , so simple yet so complicated.
    The water bottles could be something for me as well haha!

  10. Claude...I guess my problem is coming with trying to get a giff to work in the blog title banner (not a regular post entry). I have my new banner now, so will give up on trying for now. I appreciate your help. Thanks so much!!!!!
