Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Will be gone a few days!

I will be out of town through the weekend starting tomorrow. Am not taking my laptop...will be visiting with family. Hey...I am going to try and read a book too...a short little paperback called 90 Minutes in Heaven, by Don Piper. I have had it a few months already... so hopefully it will be good to read on the plane.
Everybody have a great Friday and weekend, and I will be on the lookout for the greatest Cactus Monday post of all times!!!


  1. Bon Voyage Julie. Have a great time visiting family & friends. I will look forward to Cactus Monday.

  2. Have a nice trip and weekend!
    hug >M<

  3. have a great trip... and if you see anything cool, bring a pic!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful vacation!! Relax and enjoy every minute.

  5. have fun! see you when you get back!

  6. Have a great weekend dear! It is good to get away from these modern pieces of gadgetry at times, because although these laptops, cell phones are so very essential, but they are absolutely dispensable for a complete, relaxed weekend.

  7. Have a wonderful time with family, Julie......and we will expect a book review when you get back. ;) j/k
