Friday, January 9, 2009

Ahhh...finally, a campfire night!

After working 10-12 hour days every day of this week, I decided I would definately set up the tent and make a fire! First we went to dinner with friends, then my friend came down and help me put the tent up. My hubby made a fire, and then we sat around having our beer and singing campfire songs (Just kidding on the song part)!!! It was about 67 degrees out, and not much breeze, so we had no worries with making the fire in the backyard. It smelled wonderful, and made for an enjoyable evening!

Doozey, the camp dog, had a great time!

Check out the sparks flying through the air! Pretty neat, since we could not see this with our naked eye!

And here is hubby after about 4 beers!

I took a few pics of the wild campsite (backyard) at night! It really is a jungle of sorts!

And one wood pile! We have wood just kinda laying around different parts of the yard I suppose for burning purposes...all in different stages of dryness.

And last but not least, for those of you that remember me spraying my chairs they are! They still need a few more coats. I had to stop since my spraying arm and finger were worn out after the first 4 cans!!! They are outdoors to stay. I kinda like them out here, actually!

Tomorrow I am going to blow up my queen sized mattress inside the tent, get lots of pillows and blankets out there, eat breakfast outside, and then lay in my tent and crochet some squares for the charity event, with Doozey, of course...go for a nature hike, and then maybe fall back to sleep for an afternoon nap in the lap of tenting luxury!!! LOL!

Everyone have a fantastic weekend, OK???


  1. I camped out in my backyard last summer when our air conditioner died and it was 90 degrees in the house. Boomer liked sleeping in the tent. Have fun. Toast a marshmallow for me!

  2. How nice! I love camping and campfires. I don't camp out here though--I'm just afraid of fire ants--I have this 'thing' about those critters.

  3. Really, this looks like a lot of fun... Sometimes just doing something a little different makes even staying home a lot more interesting...

    enjoy your "nature day"

  4. i love your mini staycation! Hey, how about painting that table frame orange to match yor chairs? I had an old pinkish/whitewash rattan table (actually glass top, the ratan was the table bottom) and I spray painted it dark brown to match my nrown leather parsons chairs and it looks fantastic!

  5. What fun!!! Camping in the backyard, fun, beer, fun, and Doozey of course.

    Love that shot of the sparks flying-what a great capture!!

  6. Oh Julie, you crack me up. It looks like such fun!!! Having 67degrees is marvelous too. I can't wait for the warmth to come back here.

    I love your orange chairs. My Sister painted her outdoor furniture orange and found some really beautiful cushions to go with them just perfectly. It looks so cheery.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. You deserve it what with working those long hours.

  7. I love, LOVE, LOVE this post, Julie! What fun!

    The orange chairs looks great!

  8. An amazing event...You are bubbling over with joy in your words! WooHoo! :)

  9. Looks like heaven!
    Ha ha and the orange chairs!!!! So you, as a orange lover.
