Saturday, January 17, 2009

A mind's eye drawing...

While sitting around this evening, and when I realized I would be subjected to an hour of COPS on TV, by my DH, I quickly left to find something else to focus on.
I was reading my little book called "3,299 mantras, tips, quotes, and koans for peace and serenity", by Barbara Ann Kipfer. I ran across this: "Focus on a sound or image to stop the chatter of your mind. Repeat a mantra, or gaze at a candle flame or mandala"
That was when I started to just draw something out with a pencil, and it ended up being THIS! Just a silly scribble, but I added some glitter shine to it, and just wanted to say that the little ribbons running through are your thoughts, and the SHAWRING is my mantra. I am sure it was spelled differently when I first recieved it from my Maharishi back in high school, when my whole family learned Transcendental Meditation. I have not told anyone my mantra all these years, because I was told not to...but now I figure what difference does it make anyway!

So that is the story of how this little quick drawing came to being. I kind of see it as a mandala of my eye reflecting the candle flame, while repeating my mantra! Oh the things I can think of to entertain myself! ANd then to inflict it upon my poor blog readers...for shame!!! LOL.

Pleasant dreams!


  1. "Focus on a sound or image to stop the chatter of your mind." I love that phrase 'the chatter of your mind'. It so sums up those thoughts that we find unwelcome and so hard to put away.

  2. Very nice blog here, I like your succulents too. Thank you for coming on over to my blog as well as telling me what family that Long strangly very lenghty Mother of Thousands (Kalenchoe Tubiflora) What I didn't realize was that it never had occurred to me that it was even in the Kalenchoe family and to think in the past many years that I have been growing these babies I been looking in all of the wrong areas. Thanks again.

    In the upcoming weeks I will be starting a once a week post on plants.

    Enjoy your trip to N. California!

  3. I found your post very interesting! If I was subjected to COPS, I think I'd have to quiet my mind too.
    When I was in my early teens, I too was involved in something similar when I stayed with my grandmother for a year. One of the exercises was to concentrate so intensely at the candle flame, so that my energy would extinguish it. Although I could do that, I never quite believed it possible and wondered if I was actually blowing it out subconsciously!

  4. It's so interesting. I myself dabble in spirituality now and then, but the figure you have drawn sub consciously, is not only beautiful but the explanation given by you of the ribbons representing thoughts etc. could have only come from a deep thinking spiritual mind.

  5. What a nice mandala Julie. I think it is most interesting. I will have to try something of this nature. I have such trouble drawing from my minds eye. I think my minds eye is usually closed. I do so want to open it.

  6. I think I like these kinds of sketches best, the ones that are either purely of the imagination, or have personal symbols or meanings.

  7. How very interesting, another piece of your life we didn't know about. This was a wonderful result of your mind.

  8. I love it I love it I love it I do! I need more spaghetti, I can't play with you!

    oops been reading the same book to to Daya for a week and it runs around in my head like a mantra. haha

    This is SO COOL Julie!!! I love it I love it I love it I do...

  9. I love those intuition type drawings! It's fabulous, Julie!

    I generally focus on the breath when I meditate but recently I've been trying a single 'note' over and over. It works well too ~ :)
