Wednesday, March 25, 2009

For all you Florida bloggers:

Discovery Crew Undocks, Starts Journey Home
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:24:03 PM EDT

Taken from NASA.GOV website:
Space shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station at 3:53 p.m. EDT Wednesday. At 5:09 p.m., the first of two separation burns was performed to move Discovery away from the station to start the journey home. The final separation burn occurred at 5:37 p.m.

The STS-119 crew is scheduled to go to sleep at 10:13 p.m. EDT. They will wake at 6:13 a.m. Thursday and perform a late inspection of Discovery’s thermal protection system using the shuttle robotic arm and the Orbital Boom Sensor System around 10:28 a.m.

Discovery's first landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., will be Saturday at 1:43 p.m.
I may try and drive up for the landing! Perfect timing on a beautiful Saturday afternoon! I wish them best luck and a perfect landing safely back to home.


  1. A few years back, there was a night-time landing that went over this part of Texas and we stood outside to watch it, it was really something to see...

    If I was closer, I'd definitely be there for it!

  2. Julie
    How exciting and I hope you are able to go there and watch..lucky that you are so close! Amazing eh?

    I know what you mean about AI. I think I know the next ones who should be going too...and those remaining are truly amazing.

    Back to watching tonight. Do you watch Dancing with the Stars also...I'm addicted to that one too!

    have a lovely evening and don't forget to water those flowers.

  3. Oh you must keep us updated!

  4. Since I saw it leave, I will have to tune in to see it come home. I would love to go in person, but I am not really up for being in a 3 hour traffic jam on the way home. It's always that way.

    A hug to you Julie...

  5. I was lucky to watch a lift-off a few years back, it was thrilling!!!! Wish I were there with you for the landing!

  6. I wish they all return savely!

  7. Thanks, Julie, for the reminder. It's a bit far for us to drive, but I'll be praying for their safe return.
