Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cactus Monday!

Update on the sketchbook I made (in last post)...I am taking it over and keeping it for myself!!! I could not let it go after making it! LOLOL! I have discovered that the brown paper bag paper loves gel pen ink! WOW! It soaks it up. Of course, I am probably the last person on earth to discover that!!!

Here are 3 cactus that are showing some new things. First, my Bunny Ear Cactus has some new bunny ears! It happened seemingly overnight...looked out the kitchen window, and BAM, there they were! There are others also protruding now, but these two are the cutest!

Here is continuing new growth on my Mammillaria. I have been surprised by this particular cactus over the has had soggy looking days in the past, where I just knew it would die of rot, but it has continued to thrive! Probably because of our last 3 years of drought.

This is the same Mammillaria, and a new set of blossoms completely encircling the end. It is rare for me to ever catch the blooms all the way around. (I don't watch closely enough, generally). This one has been blooming all spring, and it seems like a sort of second wind for it.

And a couple of shots of succulents...all Kalenchoe varieties with their little leaflets all along the leaf edges or ends.
Kalenchoe tubiflora:

Kalenchoe daigremontianum:

And one without leaflets, but a blue-green fuzzy little bugger with chocolate leaf edges...oh so adorable!
Kalenchoe tormentosa:

Have a Happy Cactus Monday everyone!!!


  1. Beautiful! you are way ahead of me
    for the cactus monday!

    Happy Cactus Monday!

  2. I'm laughing with you on keeping the sketchbook. I love that brown paper too.

    Your cactus are beautiful. I love how those little ones circle the top and your succulents are gorgeous.


  3. Hi Julie
    I have never seen succulents like the ones you are showing tonight. Wow. A couple of them I didn't even think were real. I was also looking at your little indoor garden. That is soooo sweet! Love it.
    have a lovely evening and enjoy a lovely day tomorrow...

  4. pretty little cactus... and mamms do have the uncanny ability to surprise you, don't they?

    happy cactus monday...

  5. These are really good photographs, Julie. I think the cactus with the pink blooms all the way around looks like a mandala. I am anxious to see what other cacuteers think. My cactus post will not be up until late tomorrow. HCM!

  6. not surprised that you kept it, i almost vlew over in the night and grabbed it! lurv what's happening in your cactusey world, all abloom, all acolour, all! happy cm fellow cactuteer.

  7. Lovely pics!!! Each one looks so pretty! Where do you get all these names from??? Its so difficult:)

    Happy Cactus Monday!

    You can visit mine here:

  8. reat photos! HCM! Blooms blooms are in the best season over there now.... sigh....

  9. cute bunny ears!
    You are living in the right place for all these plants!

    Happy Cactus Monday!

  10. Happy cactus Monday! Love the photos. The last photo "Kalenchoe Tormentosa" I have a large one. Love the leaves on it too.

  11. Pretty cactus pictures! I love the different Kalenchoes, with their fancy leaf edges.

  12. I am glad that you kept the sketch book. Now I can't wait to see what you draw in it. You will have to make another one for your daughter.

    Love the cactus. Those blooms are so cute. The kalanchoes are so interesting with their edges all growing. HCM

  13. I love working on brown paper!! Are you going to show the sketches?

    The succulent with the scalloped edges is my favorite. The leaflets are adorable!


  14. Julie - thanks so much for dropping by my blog and identifying my cactus. I did "google" it and you were right on - so, now I know. I sure would like to see it bloom but I haven't. I'm wondering if it got more light if it would! I really enjoyed looking at your blog and have now marked it as another "favorite" to check out periodically! Thanks again! PAM

  15. Like the close up shots of your succulents! I might try your new book!

  16. Beautiful cactus monday post, sorry to be late Julie.
    I am so happy to see your bunny ear protuding out so creatively....just like a love shape!
    Your other greens and blossom look greats too.

    I love the journal you have created for your daughter. Really great steps by steps sharing!

  17. gorgeous pictures! I love the bunny ears!!Kalenchoe daigremontianum( very long name:)) is very beautiful..I will see if I can find one here..

  18. Fabulous pics, Julie!! The Kalenchoe daigremontianum is my fave ~ :)

  19. Really enjoyed this post Julie! Paper bag and all.

    But a winner is the Kalenchoe daigremontianum photo it inspired a painting for me!

    Thank You and HCM! (on Tuesday)
