Saturday, April 11, 2009

A little ATC preview!

I just had to show Soulbrush that I am indeed making a start on some ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) to trade. A modest beginning...but I have to wait 3 hours drying time with this particular paint...semi-permanent enamel shimmers!!! They were just laying around the house for years, and I decided to open and try...they are very shimmery!!! I have a high gloss coat when I get them finished as should be interesting with all the shimmer and shine! Others of you are into the idea of trading...maybe we could come up with a theme, and everyone could make something of that theme (enough for everyone who wants to do the trade), and we would end up with one card from each person of the same theme! Just like on the ATC trading card swaps out there. What do you think???


  1. Can a beginner join in? Sounds like fun!

  2. they are gorgeous, am loving them already...and yes we must definitely suggest that (maybe after Easter) also 'jam' cards...which (I think) is where one person starts a card and then posts it on to the next who adds to it and so on....till it gets back to the first person again who keeps it.... (say three/four people in a group)..whadya think? I am so glad you are busy atc-ing too friend.

  3. It looks like you're having fun and that's what it's all about.

  4. Pudgeduck- Are you kidding!!! I AM A BEGINNER!!! LOLOL! It would be fantastic if you would join in the fun...hopefully Aiyana will want to also! I like the idea Soulbrush talks about above (in these comments)...that sounds like a LOT of fun to me!

  5. They look great Julie. I would love to see the shimmer in person.

  6. Yes I like the idea, could me in!

  7. Maybe you can start a Swap Saturday?
    I love to work with a theme......forces me to do other things!
