Sunday, May 3, 2009

C is for Cantaloupe!

Done with pencil, gel pens and White Out!

Now, if only I knew how to spell!!! Thank God for Wikipedia!!!

I watched the movie Twilight last night and it was very good, but I was glad I had read the book first, so I would know little things (like how intoxicating Edwards breath is to her), etc. I picked up the second book in the series, called New Moon, and it is as fat as the first! Yikes. I'm afraid to start it, cause I don't think I will want to put it down!!!

Happy Sunday to all!


  1. wowie this is fantastic, love the colours, love the page colour that compliments it too. i can see this book is gonna be a cracker jules.
    so glad you did this fun meme too.

  2. Very Nice! you are an artist!

  3. looks good enough to eat...

    What's D going to be? It's gotta be round right? Doorknob? Drum?

    And might I suggest Earth for E?

  4. Great word for C and love the slice.

  5. Great drawing. I think you got a whiff of that intoxicating breath. Enjoy your book.

  6. This is very lovely!
    I love these brown paper drawings!

    love >M<

  7. Really beautiful, I love the render:)
    So good!

  8. yay, you're working on paper bags!!!!! This is awesome Julie! I love it. Now I want some :P
