Here are my dirty feet relaxing.
And here is Doozeys cousin, Bailey. He is my brother and his wifes Lhasa. He is a lot of fun...the dogs would run over to the fence barking every time they saw anyone pass by on the sidewalk! They spent half the time inside and half out...enjoying their chewy sticks.
This is a tether ball pole my Dad made for my son (the Army son) when he was around 4years old! It is concrete poured inside a tire...(Oh crap...another tire in my life...I hadn't thought of it before)...LOL. The pole is sunk in the concrete. The old ball and rope are long a new rope and ball is on my shopping list to buy for my grandson...we will play many games together as a family. I think he should be able to beat me...he is so strong at almost 5 years old!
The new fence...after I cut back thse bushes severely...I must get the fertilizer on them and lots of water. I have one neighbor who got these things up 6 ft. in a short amount of time...I must go ask how they did it...I suspect just frequent fertilizer and tons of water though. I wish I could think of the name of this plant, but it is not coming to me. I have every other one variegated...but I need to replace a few that were damaged.
As we were sitting, relaxing, my Mom noticed the bird nest on top of my security light...complete with bird! How sweet! I am thrilled...must keep an eye on the progress!
Daughter and I are on our way to Penneys now to look for summer shorts and tops, and any other fun thing I can find for my grandbabies!!! Happy summer days to all!
It sounds like you are having a marvelous day. The fence looks wonderful you should be proud of your efforts. Tether ball will be fun with your Grands. Take it easy in the heat.
Have fun shopping! I know I always do!
Wonderful fence!
Must feel so good!
What a lovely day this must have been, great pictures!
That cute little dove.
Did you paint your house Julie? I love that yellow. Is the fence plant
schefflera? Bailey looks a lot like Little Buddy.
Sue- No, the house has been yellow for about 3 years was kinda bright, but has lightened a little in the sun...still bright but I have fallen in love with it. Yes...these are a small leaf schefflera plant.
Hi Julie! It is so nice to meet you! And how funny that my posting today is the same title as your Blog! Do you have an etsy shop too? I must explore more of your blog to see!
Take care!
Great fence! I love when birds find these interesting places to nest. Love all your plants.
So matching, your slipper and the planr. clever!
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