Friday, July 10, 2009

New plant, new blog banner!

We got home yesterday evening and have had a relaxing day hanging out with my Mom...making ribs, collard greens and lima beans for dinner. The ribs were baked 3 hours on 250 degrees covered, and hubby plans to put them on the grill for a while to give them a little smoke right before we eat! My house smells devine!

My new blog banner picture is a new Purslane plant I picked up just prior to our trip...the colors just got my eye, and there was NO WAY I could leave it at the Target store where they had these lovely overflowing pots 2 for 5 dollars!!! It goes so well with my orange chairs too!!! LOL!

Hope everyone is looking forward to a beautiful weekend!

xoxo- Julie


  1. you did NOT make ribs and greens and limas for dinner without inviting me.


  2. Pretty flowers! Now, please elaborate on the recipe for those ribs. I'm assuming they must have a rub or something on them while they are baking???

  3. Oh my what a beautiful flower! love it!

  4. That flag was so neat I hate to see it go, but please save it for next year.

    This is a pretty plant and I'm so happy you saved from the Target store!!

  5. Yummy - I had half a salad for dinner that was left over from lunch. Not you got me hungry!

  6. Lovely banner and plant!
    Those ribs sounds yummy!!!!
    Good idea for this weekend!

    Have a nice day!

  7. Cindy- we just mix up our own concoction to rub on the ribs...I think he used a little Montreal Steak Seasonong and I know I tasted some oregano, (which really made them taste great), and some pepper. I believe that was about all. I was very surprised at the addition of oregano, but it added a lot of sparkle to the ribs!!! We decided not to use any BBQ they just had the dry rub ingredients only!

  8. The pot of flowers are beautiful. I can see why you couldn't leave them at the store. Have a good weekend.

  9. I love your new header. The colors are simply delicious!

  10. love the new flowers, gorgeous!
    and your dinner sounds devine.
