Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hi to all my blogger peeps!!! I sure have missed reading your blogs and playing with you lately! The grown kids just went out to lunch and took the grands with them, so my husband (with the excruciating heat outside), is playing the Wii Tennis game, and doing very well while getting a workout at the same time. I am happy to see him playing something other than the game he has played for the last 100 years (*not really, but it seems like it, LOL), called Pokemon Puzzle League...he is a master at that, and got addicted to it *100 years ago and has never stopped. With that you are not up moving around though, like when you play the Wii. My grandson is extremely competitive, we have found out...he is one tough little 4 year old. I am so happy he loves playing the Wii inside, because it is unbearable outside. It will be so wonderful to feel the first day of Fall air!!!

My husband had a milestone birthday yesterday and my son grilled his Freedom ribs, which he perfected while in the Army! They were fantastic...oh man...fall off the bone, tender with a sauce on them to die for! He also made us grilled corn on the cob, which is always great! It was a perfect summer Happy Birthday meal! Had my Mom, my SIL, and my friend Karen lots of fun!

I am going to try and do a Cactus Monday post later tonight if I can...but only time will tell. We are attending a funeral this afternoon and early evening, so I suppose it will just depend on if I can get 'er done! LOL.

Hope everyone is well, and I will be seeing you again soon!


  1. It is good to hear that you are busy filling the well with your family love. I miss hearing what you have been doing. Have fun. Enjoy your family while you have them.

  2. allo allo, know you're having fun...milestone...what 40???tee hee-happy boifday hubby. waiting for some photos when you have time.

  3. Happy Birthday to your hubby! It sounds like you all had a nice day. I just can't seem to get into Playstation or Wii games but my kids go crazy on them.

    I hope you get a break from the dreadful heat soon...even though we're in winter now, I know that same dreadful heat will be heading our way in the coming months...not looking forward to it either.

  4. so glad that you're enjoying your family!

  5. So good to hear from you Julie and that the family is good.

    Happy BDAY to your DH also.

    have fun.
