Monday, August 24, 2009

No Cactus today...only prisoners!

I had held captive, my two grandchildren on Friday...and we went to visit our Playmobile store and PlayPark. They had a fake jail that the kids could run around back and crawl into that Donovan just loved! Their PlayPark is really can play with all of the themed playsets they manufacture and they have an huge, indoor, air conditioned space with organized areas with each theme. I really enjoyed myself as well, just watching him in action and having so much fun!

Emily was just chilled out watching everything. What a cute girl!

Yesterday (Sunday), the kids moved out to their own apartment, and they started their new life together here right down the street from ME!!!! HOW LUCKY CAN I BE????? I feel so amazingly re-energized in my own life, and exceedingly happy! I am hoping the best for them...but it sure is awfully quiet around here!!!


  1. Julie I know exactly how stoked you are to be this close to your grand children. I too was with mine on Friday...maybe you saw on my blog...and what a time it was. These are precious moments to be cherished for the rest of our lives.

  2. That is just lovely - looks like such fun.

  3. Oh Julie I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!
    To have them so close!
    Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

  4. So glad to hear that your family is settled in... (I told you it would be too quiet around there)

    The grandkids are, as always, too cute.

  5. Oh my gosh. You will have time to think. Ha... I know that feeling of quit when the grands leave. It is such a relief and then you wonder when the next go round will begin.

    How wonderful that they live not far from you. You have mentioned your Mom living not far from you. This is how people used to live. Such a great support system. I so miss my family strung out over the midwest.

  6. Such a fun day and to have them that close-priceless!!

  7. I know the feeling, Julie: a mix of joy when they visit, relief when they go home, and a longing to see them again as soon as they leave. I'm so glad for you that you are all so close to each other now. Your grandkids are just beautiful!

  8. What a blessing -I see my grandkids everyday!!!

  9. Down the street? You lucky girl. You have the best of both worlds. I am so happy for you.

  10. What a blessing to have them near you and that they are in their new place. The very best to them.

  11. How fun for you! And what a treat to have the grandkids nearby! I am sure you will miss them living there but it will be fun to be able to go visit too!!!

  12. I know, the house must feel a little empty now, but thank god that you can meet them whenever you want to. I hope you continue to have a wonderful time with your grandchildren and we continue to drool over their adorable pictures.

  13. How wonderful to have your grand kids living so close. When I was little, I lived next door to one set of grandparents and another grandma lived upstairs. Nowadays people often have to move far away for their jobs. I'm so happy for you!

  14. Now that you're at loose ends, come to Oregon with me!

  15. Lovely pics, Julie! I know how you feel as I'm so excited because my daughter, Michelle, is moving closer to us next month and I'll get to see so much more of her. I can hardly wait!

  16. Hi Julie...looks like you had fun...
    I love the picture right at the top. What flowers are those?

  17. Hi Julie
    I can sure feel your excitement. I'm glad all is working out so very well. Looks like the children had a great time with you...thank you for sharing the pictures.
    have a great weekend.

  18. so happy they aren't the other side of the sea any longer, and i know you will enjoy them, and they now have a free babysitter......had to pop over and tell you i have opened an etsy shop...eeeek.

  19. oh how lucky they are to have a grandmum so close by
