Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Doozey presents another foil peice, and a view of my light starved Cactus

My little long-nosed chi-chi, Doozey Sugar Pie, says hello this day! She couldn't resist staying out of this post....she just kept begging and begging, and now that I put her picture in, she has cozied down between me and the couch! What a ham!!!

Actually I am so happy to have her here with me for a little love, since now, Yours Truely, is home with a cold! Something about this little fur-ball keeps me feeling much better than I actually do!!! Figure that out! I can't understand it, but it's true!

Soulbrush asked me what I meant by "cactus papers" in making my foil mixed media thingies! I tore cactus writings out of old cactus journals, etc...magazines and such...so they could be of a cactus theme. I have been learning a lot of art techniques on YouTube, by searching for whatever medium I might be interested in. It keeps me up too late actually...watching all of these lushious videos!!! Oh God, I need help! But what's a girl to do while sleeping half the day away with a cold? It won't last forever...all this free time...so I am taking advantage while I can!

Now, CLAUDE...you may not want to view this next part!

I had seen a picture once about this really awesome cactus someone had in an office setting in low light...she kept twirling the cactus around every few days or weeks, and the light source made the thing turn toward the light, but becasue of the twirling, the cactus grew long and skinny and in a twirling fashion! It was really cool looking! Claude told me that the top of this Rattail is not getting enough light, but because of my crazy schedule lately (as evidenced by the condition of my succulent tires outside too)...I have never gotten this lovely specimen into higher light. So now, I wonder if I should experiment on it and see if I can get it to twirl??? LOLOL! Sounds like some good summer entertainment........

I just found these chairs somewhere on the internet! Do you think such a thing exists? I could probably do with one somewhere in my house! Could you?????


  1. Julie..even in sickness you have JOY! you are blessed!! You are one of the few people that I know that are truly happy! You need those chairs on your porch!!

  2. Hi Pudgeduck! You have me worried about you, girl! Have you been inspired lately to do any art work??? These chairs, on my screenroom, would mildew in 10 seconds in this humidity here!

    I am waiting to see some artwork from you!!! xoxo-Julie

  3. Sorry to hear you have been/are sick but you are sure making good use of your time!

    Doozey is such a cutie, she would make anyone feel better.

    I need those chairs!!! Very cute.

    It never ceases to amaze me how much info is on Utube!

  4. I am intrigued by your mixed media things. Do you mix the glue with the acrylic paint? Maybe you could post a little tutorial, or a "recipe" that lists your materials and basic procedure.

    Hope your cold gets better soon. Last year and the year before, I had terrible sinus colds at this time, and now my kids are passing cold germs. I have a feeling I'll be next.

  5. Doozey, what a cute name for a cute dog! Those chairs are really wild looking. I think my rooms with white walls are begging for some excitement like that.

  6. oooh you have caught the family's germs..no surprise.. and i see it has you getting up to all sorts of mischief... if i had a chair like that i think i would burn it. het well soon and in the meantime you and doozey play 'art art'...he is such a little sweetie pie...xxxxxx from auntie soulie B.

  7. HMPH.

    The little escobaria's will probably be fine, they are adapted to growing in fields with tall grass around them, so lower light levels won't hurt them... I don't know about that cleisto though...

    Love the chairs.

  8. That sweet Doosey would make anyone feeling puny better. What a little cutie.

    I think you should turn your cactus. Lets see what it does. If you put it out in the light now will it get fat at the top and have a skinny middle?? Very Marilyn Monroe wouldn't you think??

    Get well.

  9. oh I want one of those cactus chairs!

  10. Wow! So much fun with your cactus art and there are so much more fun cactus arts out there.
    It's fine. Teri is so kind, giving me your address, so that I can send the prints to you.
    Take care:)

  11. LOL - love the chairs. They would be lovely if they are not thorny!

  12. Doozey is so cute! How interesting about the twirling cactus. I turn my pot plants a quarter turn each week so all sides gets an even amount of sunlight...stops them growing lop-sided.

  13. Hi Julie
    Oh no you are sick! You better not be staying up too later at night Youtubing when you should be getting plenty of rest...well you do sound to be having your night times and day times twisted. I hope you feel better soon.

    THAT is a very interesting thing to do with the cactus...twisting...and having them grow accordingly. Well give it a try...

    feel good....

  14. I love photos of Doozey even though she often looks like she's not big on being photo'd.

  15. awwww, Doozey Sugar Pie! She is so cute!
