Saturday, September 12, 2009

Emily June (Em Em's) and Brent's birthday!

We had the joint little birthday celebration tonight. It was a surprise for them. We had gone out to that kids placespace all morning and part of the afternoon, and when they came over afterward, the table was all set up with gifts and cake (well...actually frosted brownies)!

The pink side of the "cake" was for Emily...complete with sprinkles, and a number "1" candle. The white side was for her daddy...2 white sparkler candles for 10 years each, and 7 yellow and pink ones for one year each, for a total of 27!

The little princess eats her 1st year birthday cake!

Donovan enjoying the yummy cake too!

Succulent tire pics coming soon. My uploading of pics on Blogger is taking an eternity to do for some as soon as I can get them up here. The grands are spending the night so maybe by tomorrow night I can get it done!
xoxo- Julie


  1. Happy Birthday to both!
    Good to have them all around eh!

    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Greaaat cake - looks like they really enjoyed it (lol).

  3. Looks like a fun celebration. Thank you so much for the advice about refinishing the chair. I really appreciate it!
    - Suzanne

  4. Happy Birthday to Brent and Happy Birthday to Emily!
    It looks like they had a happy double celebration!
    Yummy looking cake..I would have loved some too...yum!
    Hope the rest of your weekend is lovely too

  5. I'd wish them a Happy Birthday, but they are both obviously having a blast, so it seems sort of redundant...

    The cake looks great...

  6. We both celebrated grands birthdays yesterday! Happiness on all. Your baby is so cute. Sweet, sweet for the sweets!

  7. Oh gee, birthday parties all over! What a fun party you had for those cuties!!

    HB to them.

  8. aaaw thanks for showing us the cake, did you bake it? they all look so happy, specially being with you again!!

  9. Happy belated birthday yeah:)
    Look like it was a busy but fulfilling day:)
