Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cactus Monday cactus from one of the best days of my life!

As I write this it is 10:30pm on Sunday night. The day here was exceptional! We had an overnight drop in temperature of about 27 degrees cooler than the previous 24 hour low...we woke up this morning to breezy temp of 55F. The wind chill made it feel even cooler! Dry and about invigorating....

After a few hours, I went over and got my grandson. We headed to the toy dept. at Target and made a few purchases...just for the fun of it! One of them was 3D Chalk!! Aren't these glasses cute...he kinda looks like a whacky scientist!

We came home and began to draw a few things to see if it was really gonna work...and it REALLY DID! I wanted to see if the camera could pick it up, but then I realized with 3D glasses you have to use both eyes and look through both sides of the the camera idea would not work.

It was really cool though...and each color looked like it was either carved down into the ground, or floating above the ground...each at a different level. We had a great time with it...and just as we were finishing up, I said you know how to draw a cactus? He said "yes" and drew this simple line drawing...he did dot around inside also...but you can't see that...I thought it was so cute...I knew at that moment I had my Cactus Monday post!

Having my grandson for the day, and the perfect cool, dry, sunny and beautiful blue sky with crisp white clouds all day as almost too much to was devine!

Everyone enjoy your Cactus MOnday!!!


  1. A new cactus monday member!! An artist already. T
    That chalk sounds awesome Julie. I need to tell my daughter about it. Thanks for sharing your perfect day!


  2. Great chalk! Oh, I love the last photo - a chalky bum! HCM, E

  3. Love the idea of 3d chalk and your grandson seems keen too. Great buy.

  4. I heard yesterday from my MIL down in Florida about the coolness. Here in SC it was 30s overnight--yikes! too cold.
    She was happy about opening windows and using a real blanket. the simple things. ;)

  5. The 3D chalk seems to be interesting. Children make our day wonderful.The cactus drawing looks nice.

  6. Looks like you had more than the 180 seconds of pure bliss!! Remember I read once that we have 180 sec. of true bliss total in our liftime ---I knew when I read that it wasn't true! Fun times!!!!!!!

  7. 3D chalk sounds cool and the drawings look fantastic even in 2D. I love the colored chalk on the blue jeans, great capture!

  8. What fun. Happy Perfect Cactus Monday Julie.

  9. 3D chalk?????????????? Wow! I've not heard of such a thing. jan

  10. Playing is always awesome no matter what your age!! That chalk rocks...happy colors and all ! HCM! :)

  11. you know what i LOVE about this post the most, that you went to the toy dept and didn't buy himn an expensive mechanised fancy toy, but these great glasses and some chalk...and look at the pure pleasure and delight in that little boy's face. it makes me feel all warm and gooey inside and gives me lots of warm fuzzies. good on ya gran, keep it simple. hcm to both of you cactuteers.

  12. Your grandson is adorable. What a wonderful day. Your idea of a charmed day is like mine! Thanks for being one of the inspirations for my braided sourdough loaf! There's a lot of apple love going on throughout the blogs, so it was fun to join in on the fun!

  13. What a perfect day! The 3D chalk sounds like a lot of fun!

  14. Whata great shape he produced!
    I am so happpy for you you had this perfect Sunday and that you are enjoying your grandchildren so much.
    This chalk and glasses seems like a lot of fun.
    Happy cactus Monday !

  15. Wow! Just make me smile. Your grandson is truly your sweetheart Julie!
    I love seeing people with creative posing...and here moreover with kid's posing.

    He posed so naturally and wanted some cool smile back to him too. Yes, you are smart and handsome Donovan!
    And such virtual gereat imagination he has!!!
    The cactus is simple but very cute and convincing.
    Please tell him tahat I say so Julie.
    By the way, your gem gifts just arrived today. I am loving everything that you sent me. thanks Kitty is super beautiful and cute. I will take good care of her.

    Christmas is coming, Julie what are your Christmas wishes?

  16. What a fun time you had. I want to go find those for my grandkids now.
    LOL I will have them this weekend.
    That's the best part of life isn't it? Grandkids! YES!!! And making art with them YES!!!! Bravo on his precious cactus and tush too. LOL

  17. don't tell my kids about this stuff!!! lol
    looks like you guys had a wonderful time!
    hope you have a great weekend...thanks for the tips on moving that cactus garden to a bigger pot!

  18. Thought I'd find an Oct 18 post to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated). Looks like you had loads of fun with your grandson - hope it was a lovely day!

  19. Awe...thanks, Evelyn! Now you know another secret as to why this one day was so special to me...all of the love I was surrounded by on my birthday!!! ;)
