Friday, October 2, 2009

Shadow surprise!

Here's what you get when you combine an early morning rising sun, a hanging basket and extremely dirty windows!!! I discovered this while sitting on the couch this morning, and when the bright sun started to filter through the window, I happened to spot this shadow, and I found it quite interesting! I WILL be picking up some Windex this weekend!!! LOLOL!


  1. It looks fantastic - well spotted!!

  2. Clean window and miss this shot? Don't be ridiculous!

  3. Don't you dare clean that window... it is not bad housekeeping, it's an interactive art installation...

  4. Oh, the reason I came over to begin with is to give many many thanks to you for the wonderful little box of succulent cuttings... I'm going to find a nice pot to make a little friendship garden out of them... should look wonderful!

  5. Claude- that was a quick trip throught the mail...I only sent them out yesterday morning...

  6. Hey, wait a minute...that's not me Lisa!

    Isn't it amazing when the sun hits the window the right way! I'd rather remain oblivious. lol

  7. Hi Julie!
    Forgive me to drop by late and thank you for your lovely comment. I hope you will visit my next giveaway.

    The shadow pic. is amazing. You captured the atmosphere of a summer morning.

  8. I have already decided not to clean my windows, especially east facing, anymore.

  9. Green Thumb- Ha ha ha!!!

    Teri- are you sure it's not you??? Hee hee hee!

    Everyone- thanks for your cute comments! Maybe I should give consideration to not cleaning my windows...I have to admit, it doesn't happen very often!!! LOL!

  10. I think the morning sun has a different quality to it in the fall. I've been enthralled with it myself lately. Looking at it right now over the garden, its got a sort of 'spiritual look' I guess.

  11. Looks like a curtain to me LOL!
    Happy cleaning!

  12. Wow! This is a unique piece of art...To me, it's like oil painting.
    I love this shadow surprise, sure brings surprise!
    Misty soft pastel effect also can be traced here.
    Wow! Wow! Julie, are you going to sell this masterpiece?

  13. Yoon See- you are a nut! This is only a photo I took! LOLOL!!!
    Hee hee hee!!!
