Monday, November 30, 2009

Doozey cuteness and a South Florida rant!

Today my little camera shy girl actually turned her face toward me and that a faint smile I see??? I snapped the picture. She likes to get atop this little 12 inch soft microfiber pillow and curl up. It seems so funny to me because she is kinda on her perch! LOL. Anyway...I could not resist and was so happy she charmed me with a look!

Today I turned a leaf with my cold. I can feel like the end is in sight now, which is a big relief. I am sort of becoming one of these people who want to live in a bubble try and avoid sickness. Here in south Florida, we have a huge tourist season that is just starting up for the winter...and I quite frankly don't want to be out with all of the northerners who bring all their evil germs with them! I will certainly avoid large crowds or crowds inside of buildings. I am constantly watching and listening for coughs!!! I am swabbing all electronics in the house and washing hands/toys/towels. What has become of me??? What have I turned into??? It's scaring me. Maybe if I can go a few months without getting a cold, I will relax a little. YIKES! week both family and friends are expecting their first rounds of relatives from the north. There goes our restaurants longer can we walk in to our lovely spots without waiting. There are a few problems involved in living in a tourist state! I guess I should stop my belly aching and just be happy I live in a paradise year round!

I had a lovely day with my granddaughter. She is such a bundle of sugar. Her hair is coming in CURLY...just like mine was as a girl! I can't wait to see what she is looking like by this time next year! She just makes my heart swoon (just like her brother does)!

OK...hope you all have a wonderful week. Sorry no Cactus Monday...I just can't seem to find time to plan anything...maybe one of these days I can get more organized as I learn my new role as a stay at home Grandma!!!
xoxo- Julie


  1. Hi Julie,
    How old is Doozey?

  2. Sweet Doozey! Cute that she likes the pillow, she's small enough for it :)

    Great that you are feeling better. Have a good week, HCM anyway.


  3. It is an adjustment when you are a stay at home person. I always wonder why I can't get anything accomplished when I used to do so much when I worked full time. Ha...
    I am glad you are feeling better.

  4. Very cute! I know what ya mean by
    planning to do cactus monday.

    I must be strange, I've only had 3 colds in my lifetime and only had the flu twice....
    or maybe just lucky!

  5. I hear you on the whole sick thing! I am finally feeling better but sure don't have any energy yet.
    Those dam snowbirds (that is what they call us in AZ, but we have been here so long already I feel like an Arizonan so I can relate lol)

    That cute little Doozey sitting on her throne.

  6. you need to get a routine down. I for one miss your pics!

  7. Aiyana- Doozey turned 2 years old this past April.

  8. Doozey is really cute.
    I think even I could see a faint smile:)

  9. What a cute doggie -- love her sweater down below too. I need one just like it! I'm just getting over a cold too. The good thing is that we'll be over it before Christmas! Yay!

  10. The friendly looking Doozey, seems to be in a pleasant mood. Some compromises are required for living in a interesting place.I am looking forward for your photos.

  11. Glad you feel a little better!
    Avoiding crowds won't do the trick I am afraid......
    I always get into a plane with a few hundred passengers having who knows what ......... I never avoiid sick people because I think when I get it I get it :(
    I think it is all about your imune system! Make such you fortify that!
    All this cleaning is not good for your system Julie. Better spend that time doing something fun!

    I also live in a tourist area but only in the summer. Here in winter there is nothing to see or do.....

    Hope you will be cold free soon!
    And that Doozey is such a cutiepetootie!!!!

    Have a nice weekend!

  12. Love your little Doozy. Interesting to hear how things change in the winter for you all. Bah those pesky, germy Northerns!
    Your grandkids sounds adorable.
    Curls are so fun!

  13. I would hate tourist season for all the same reasons. Yep, fortify that immune system and kick those pesky germs to the kerb!
