Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm back!

The funeral was beautiful, and my aunt and cousin are doing well. My Uncle and his other daughter (she died before him)...are buried near a huge tangerine tree in the cemetery. We picked some from the tree (they were just falling off and no one was picking them)...and I have brought them home to eat one a day for a while to prevent scurvy! Ha ha ha...just kidding!!! LOL. a day to get extra Vitamin C. I am still fighting the residual cough from my bronchitis. I advised my husband to do the same...he, too, is still coughing. We had both come down with this just after we returned from Shreveport. I am sick of has been 3 weeks already!

Thankyou to everyone who left such heartwarming condolences!!! It meant a lot to me!!! I have not been able to visit blogs, but hope to get back to it somewhat tonight.

My litle Thai pepper plant is making peppers profusely! Little red things among gren leaves! One of my Moms neighbors (a man) loves HOT we are delivering them to him. I told him I only want to know if he can make something positive from other words...something he will enjoy! I am still picking off cubanelle and banana peppers, which has been great fun! You can always throw a mild pepper into just about anything (AND they are high in Vitamin C as well)! Perfect for winter!

Doozey was doing well when I got back home! She was VERY excited to see me and carried on about 30 minutes before she could settle down after I walked in!

I found two big from family (Christmas presents), and one big box of goodies I ordered... of gifts for the grands!!! Both very exciting to open!!!

Tomorrow I mail out our last box of gifts for our out of state kids and grands. That will be a relief to have it all mailed out, so we know it will arrive in time!

It is such a busy time of year, isn't it??? I'm glad I am not doing a traditional Christmas dinner, but any family that wishes to join us may do so at our local Chinese buffet. It becamwe a tradition while my son and his family were in the Army...and now I am not about to change it...I am too old and worn out to cook anymore!

Happy holidays to everyone!


  1. Sorry for your loss. I'm glad the saying goodbye was nice for you. Love the image of the fruit tree bearing falling fruit for you to gather and take home.
    Do hope you and DH get well soon now too.

  2. Welcome back Julie. Glad all went well. Hope you and husband get rid of the cough soon. Happy holidays :)

  3. I'm glad to hear that your Aunt and Cousin are doing well and that the funeral went well too. Very sad. I think it's kinda nice that you brought home the tangerines.

    I would love to go out somewhere for Christmas dinner....mind you, in this heat, we usually just do cold cuts and salads anyways but it even that takes a lot of preparation. It would be nice to eat out and have a break from all the work for once. I might try and con the kids for next Christmas. :)

    Glad you're back, Julie!

  4. I am glad to hear you have returned safe and sound Julie. Welcome home.

  5. Awee I'm really sorry about your uncle. I'll be praying for your and your family. Much love!

  6. thank goodness it went okay, please look after yourself now, 3 weeks is far too long.

  7. Welcome back... I am glad that the farewell was good for you. The tangerines should be good for you too... Take care of yourself!

  8. I've been so blog absent lately -- so sorry to hear about your uncle. He sounded like such a wonderful man. I hope you and your husband can recover completely from your coughs! Take care.

  9. Hi Julie
    A sad time that I hope gave you comfort with family and friends by your side.
    I hope you and your hubby get over your coughs. Its very tiring to be coughing like that I'm sure. The tangarines should help you too..
    Take care...
    have a lovely day.

  10. You too Julie.
    Hope the magic tangerines help.
    So sorry for your loss.
    I bet your doggie was crazy to see you! They are so cute and dear, our little creatures.
    Your dinner sounds perfect!
