Monday, December 21, 2009

Kitten or Pussy Ears blooming!

While passing through the screenroom today I saw this one little cute bloom on the Kitten Ear plant (Tradescantia sillamontana),positively I.D>'d by Mr. Subjective from Plants Are The Strangest People! Thankyou!!!!!

This plant is a succulent and basically hates water, as best I can tell. I not only never water it, but I also never water it!!! LOL. It is such a has sort of lived and died off and on for the past three years or so. I never know what it will plan to do next! When it does seemingly a while here will come up new plants what grow slowly, but will eventually look so great and healthy (kinda like now)...and it will bloom so nicely...and any goes out dead again! It has been amazingly fun to watch! I don't even get upset anymore when it pops off!!! Hee. You can see below the cute little furry kitten ear leaves! Just adorable!!!


  1. Lucky you. At least something is blooming. I do have a few roses, but that is the extent of it. Pretty dull landscape right now. BTW--I've never seen or heard of the Painted Bunting. It is beautiful!

  2. Hi Julie
    Great 3 petal bloom - rather cute. The plant is very neat isn't it! Love yr drawfs sharing the umbrealla. Merry Christmas and happy holidays :)

  3. Yup, it's a kitten ears (Tradescantia sillamontana), all right. I had some cuttings briefly, once, but they're harder to root than other Tradescantias. Nice plant, though, once it's established.

  4. That's such a nice little bloom. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Mr. Subjective- Thanks for the positive ID!!! I appreciate that!

  6. OH, how pretty! A plant that you never need to water sounds right up my alley! lol

  7. If there was enough sun here I would try one of those. I always forget to water my indoor plants. This is a cutie with a beautiful bloom.

  8. I love the name of the plant! And the blossom looks like a trillium.

    Thanks for the visits Julie! Merry Christmas!!

  9. just a quick visit to say Merry Christmas to you my friend and a very happy new year

  10. This succulent is simple but with the little blooms, it looks so outstanding.
    Julie, your photo shots are great. I just love seeing plant with ornament display around. I agree with Evelyn the umbrealla and this tree petal are blending in so well.
    Great job julie.
    Here I wish you Happy Cactus Monday, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Have a pleasant holiday yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Christmas card and handmade gifts had been sent out on Monday the 21st Dec.
    Sorry for the delay, pls. allow 7 to 14 working days for arrival!

  11. So many beautiful posts. I had not visited here in a while. Love the photos of our grandchildren. So wonderful to have them close to us especially at the holiday. Very wonderful Christmas. Judy

  12. Beautiful and such a lovely treat. Love the name!!!!

  13. Hi Julie
    Your kitten ears are adorable. Isn't that something that you have such lovely delicate flowers on them. I wish I had one like that.
    have an adorable evening Julie.
