Monday, January 25, 2010

Cactus Monday and more...

Here it is the start of another week. Time sure flies. It is Cactus Monday again, and of course, I can only show you some photos from my yard this morning (for times sake). When I opened my front door, I saw that the red hibiscus where seeming to float above the bushes...standing up all pretty, and blowing in the wind. I had to get the camera, and from there started around the yard!

A healthy Mammillaria cactus for you...

A freeze damaged Fairy Castle cactus (sadly). I did not notice this damage until some time after the actual freeze. Maybe a week after.

And here is a blurry pic (best one of all) of my neglected triple red hibiscus that grows on the side of the house and never seems to get any attention! I must do better for this little girl! You can see how small it is. I am a bad momma!

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful week! Cheers from sunny south Florida!!!


  1. Love your blooms and cacti. Sometimes we get that freeze damage also--it does sometimes freeze here also!


  2. poor fairy castle...... maybe the healty kids at the bottom will take over......
    Love those hisbiscus flowers!


  3. Hibiscus from your garden...thts nice! The mammillaria looks very different...haven't seen this type much. Poor damaged cactus:(

    Will tht make a HCM??

    ps:thank u so very much for voting n l'tl A's so excited to have a follower other than her mom:)

  4. I love the pics!
    The Mammillaria cactus are some, and the conchs it!

  5. Well that brightened my day!

  6. Happy Cactus Monday. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  7. i love that yours all grow outdoors, unlike my senita who has to stay inside all year round.hcm dearest cactuteer.

  8. HCM Julie. Gorgeous flowers!

  9. Nothing like blooms in Hanuary..frozen or not...LOL :) Happy Cactus Monday...:)

  10. HCM!
    I can't help but think it must be stunning to see all the plants in your backyard at once.

    You are so lucky, it's a painter's plein air paradise!

  11. Happy belated Cactus Monday Julie.I thought it is winter now!?

    OK, Florida is so special, having cheerful sunny day.
    Love the blooms and cactuses, I hope they are doing well:)
