Sunday, January 31, 2010

My life...

I have been spending a few hours at the wee hours of the night, making handsewn felt ATC's. So far I have managed only two! I haven't shown them yet, because I have sent them out as surprises to folks who read my blog! I still have to send one I figure in a week or so I can show them. I have taken pictures, so will not forget.

I have been spending my time giving good quality time to my grandchildren! I am so in love with is hard sometimes to let their parents have them! Yesterday their Dad and my daughter and I took them to a little carnival at a Catholic Church down the street. They both enjoyed it so much! We all rode a few rides, and the local Knights of Columbus were selling freshly made we all tried a bit of it. Delicious!!! Donovan wanted cotton you think he got any? Of course he did!!!!! LOL! It was a gorgeous, and perfect day...breezy nad cool...but no sweaters needed, which was nice. We all got home and took a nap...all together and at the same time...(a miracle)!!!

My husband had gone for a hike and saw his beloved animals! He sees wild turkeys, alligators, birds of all types, wild hogs, etc. He worries about them, especially when water levels are too low. Of course, he napped when he got home too! It was a house of sleep for about 1 hour!!!

I cooked a beef roast in my crock pot all day and my son made a vegetable mixture for us to go with it for dinner...very yummy!

My collards are looking so good outside in the tire garden! I only wish I could make them grow faster so I can EAT them! It is sort of a slow torture for me to see them all day every day out my kitchen window!!! LOL!

Well, just wanted to let you know that things are rolling along here, as they should be...and to say hi. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you again soon, and hopefully will have some pictures!!!
xoxo- Julie


  1. well I know one lucky lady who got one of those atc's!!!!
    I was so surprised Julie, honestly!
    I'm going to post it this week on Thankful Thursday :)
    I love my name on the branch. I hadn't noticed it right away!

    Thank you so much. What a sweetie!

  2. Hi back Julie,
    Can't wait to see your ATCs. You are a tease. Your day sounds wonderful. I remember those little carnivals as a kid, such magic and fun. You are a wonderful mom and grandmom. I love your husband too, walking and worrying about the wild animals. Sweet. Dinner sounds delicious after that lovely nap. Sounds like a perfect day to me.
    Hope you have another one today.
    Grow Collards. Grow!!!

  3. I wish my kids had a Granny like you! Sounds like life is good for you sweetie and that makes me happy!

  4. HI Julie, I totally understand your love for the grands, I am in the same boat and being so far away is tough but I talk to them every few days. Grands are truly the light of our lives!

    And they grow SO fast making every minute with them so precious.

  5. Thanks for the update Julie.

    It is fun to stop by and check out your tire planter pics in the sidebar.

  6. It sounds like life is good for you right now Julie. Yay!!!

  7. Julie i am looking forward to seeing those pics!

    Mmmmm cannolis... I love cannolis.

  8. Yes, Laurel...yours was the first felt one I made and it turned out so cutely, I thought! I'm glad you enjoyed your surprise!!!!!

  9. I think a little time at night to do just what you want is a great idea! Very good for the ole sanity.

  10. cant wait for your collards to finish growing, wish i was there.
