Sunday, February 7, 2010

Garlic powder applied!!!

Just a quiick note to tell everyone that I removed all the leaf miner damaged leaves from my collard plants yesterday, then sprinkled a good dose of garlic powder on the soil in my tires and watered it in (this morning), and then sprinkled some on the wet leaves (both top and bottom)! This treatment was recommended by my blog friend, Claude, at Random Rants and Prickly PLants. I had removed the damaged leaves yesterday, and did not see any further leaf miner problems today. I am keeping my fingers crossed and will definately report back on the rest of the growing time to see what happens. I am so happy Claude knew of this and I didn't have to do the soapy/garlic spraying. YEAH!!!!! Thanks Claude!!! Hooray for garlic powder!!!!!


  1. See... I am good for something... LOL

    should work, but I hope you didn't go into overload on the stuff...

  2. Hey Claude!!! Thanks again for this info! I feel so hopeful now!!! No...I did sprinkle it liberally...but I figure it can't hurt anything!!! I will be watching closely! BTW...Doozey loves to play with cats, but usually the cats run away from this frisky little fun dog!!! Too energetic for them! LOL!

  3. Wow, garlic powder in plant, you learn something new every day!

  4. I am curious what it will do.....

  5. I will be interested to hear if the garlic powder works for the leaf miners. I had never heard of such a treatment.

  6. I gave you a Sunshine Award:

    I hope the garlic powder works!

  7. good job. hope those babies grow for you.
    thanks for your recent comment on my blog. Of course it helps.
    thanks for all your comments.
    you always make me smile.
