Friday, March 12, 2010

Rainy front yard fun!

When I walked out my front door this afternoon, these "girls" were having so much fun feasting in the wet grass and swimming and wading in my driveway pooling. It has been raining non-stop here for the past 19 hours!!!


  1. It is so cool to have wildlife in yr front yard! Lovely girls.

  2. How fun! I love white ibises. We don't have them here, as you probably already know. For us, it's a big deal if a mallard duck lands in our yard :p

  3. Isn't that something!!! Love it.
    Raining here too in No. California.
    Love it as it waters my lawn for free.

  4. What fun to have White Ibis in your front garden. I would faint if I found them in my garden. We have a wet spot in our front garden too. Never such a beautiful bird visiting. Lucky Lady.

  5. Julie- what fantastic pictures, and such a blessing to have such beautiful birds playing right in your yard!!

  6. wow Julie, I especially love the one where she's jumping in delight. What wonerful photos. So dreamy to have these birds hanging out in your yard. I'm amazed. So glad you shared this!!!

  7. Our ibis have black beaks, legs, heads, neck and back tail feathers while their body feathers are white. I'm not sure if we get the all white ibis here but wow...they look great playing in your front yard!
