Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Need bug I.D., if anyone knows!

Today I went out after 2 days of rain, to look at the garden areas, and my eye fell on a teeny fly looking bug on my black-eyed peas...it was irridescent blue, and about 2 cm. long (very tiny). It flew away, and then I looked at the other plants and there were quite a few of these guys...but they were either irridescent gold or red/orange in color!!! I ran in for the camera.
I have looked at BugGuide.net, but haven't found anything exactly like these. I am hoping my blog pal, Cindy, over at Bug Safari will be able to possibly tell me. If anyone else might happen to know, please feel free to reveal it to me!!!The only reason I want to know is in case they might cause any damage to my crop!

It doesn't really seem posible...they are so little and flit about...there is nothing to them...just light little teeny bugs.....very innocent looking, and so cute...

It is fun to see what new variety of bug will visit depending on what you plant! My friend (the one joining in the co-op with us) is planting watermelon and cucumbers. We shall see what suddenly arrives on her scene!!!

I like the colors of these cute bugs...orange and yellow! Well, thanks in advance to anyone who might know an I.D!!!


  1. Looks like a long-legged fly. More info here.

  2. Who said that we are not attracted by fly....
    Yes, the colours of the fly is so appealing!

  3. I have no idea. It looks similar to what we call a sweat bee. Great photos of the tiny flitty fly.
