Sunday, May 30, 2010

Super Opuntia on Cactus Monday!!!

Well, how do you like this? My Mom had taken a few pads off of a thornless opuntia (prickly pear cactus) a few months ago, and had thrown them into an old shoebox and tossed them to the side when she got home (planning to plant them)...kinda into the edge of her garden near the front door. Forgetting about them, she sudenly came to the realization that not only had they had put out roots, but they were thriving and putting on new pads, and just in general, looking quite amazing! There is no way to kill these things, it seems...they will grown right in a cardboard box!!! WOWZERS!!!
Happy Cactus Monday everyone!!!


  1. This is the ultimate neglect coming to fruition story. HCM.

  2. Happy Cactus Monday Julie.
    Thanks for your high notes. I am feeling extra cheerful.
    Love all the succulents you have cared for, they are so healthy and all with different characters.
    Sure, al beauties to me.
    I wonder how do you divise your time for gardening?

    Your dedication for soulbrush makes me feel that friendship is so precious! Always make the first step to cheer up friends:)

    Congrats to little Donovan.
    He looked so happy and contented with his certificate in hand.
    I am sure your whole family too were in the celebrative mood too.

    Pls. send my regards to him OK>

    Take care and bye Julie!

  3. Thornless Prickly Pear, what a great idea and they do look amazing!

    Thanks for your good wishes, our family is thrilled to greet the new baby of the family. :)

  4. Julie, I left you a little surprise over on my blog. I didn't know your email address so this is the only way I could figure out how to tell you. Love your blog. Have a great Memorial Day.


  5. Now THAT is survival! How fun and they do look so healthy.


    Happy Memorial Day

  6. Cactus will grow roots anywhere, won't they? This made me laugh just because I've been there!

  7. I didn't realize there was a thornless variety. Apparently blogger thinks 'thornless' isn't a word. So cactus Monday eh? I think I need some hardy cacti.

  8. Yep... these prickly pear will root just about anywhere... although it seems if you WANT them to grow somewhere, they argue about it...

  9. Wow indeed!!!
    What a fun post and this shows endeavor
    HCM (late but still....)
