Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bread making and attempted EDM # 7.

This morning, my husband requested homemade French bread as he was leaving for work! He surprised me so much, I really didn't have the heart to disappoint him. I had to run to the store for some new flour, and then came home and made a Rapid Rise recipe, which you can find HERE! I got out my 15 x 10 jelly roll pan to use as a guide for size. You have to roll out your two loaves to this size, and I used it as a visual to know when I had sorta gotten it to that size!

I did knead it for 10 minutes on top of the upside down jelly roll pan, and that worked out OK, but I knew I would have to roll them out (after they rested 10 minutes) on the counter. I read this tip about using plastic wrap to roll on. You just wet your hand with water and rub it on the counter and then lay the plastic wrap out and it will not move as you roll your dough out on it. This is invaluable to me. Let's just say "LOVE IT"!!!!! You know you have a completely clean surface to work on. Yes!!!!!

Here are my two loaves all ready to go into the oven! They looked wonderful. (They are shiny because I just put the egg wash on top)!!! I cannot recommend this Rapid Rise recipe or the whole darn technique highly enough. What used to take 5 hours, now takes 2 hours from start to finish of the bread making. I was quite amazed. I searched Google for "Rapid Rise bread recipes", and found many and only picked 5 star ones!

They turned out just perfectly! Soft inside, and crusty outside, it was a huge hit.
I gave a loaf to my son and his wife. One was for dinner. We had salad and this lushious loaf with olive oil, and italian seasoning, salt papper as a dipping. Delish!!!

I just got home from the health food store, where I picked up a bag of mixed 10 grains to use for my loaves tomorrow. HERE ...Mary Lou's Honey Multigrain Wheat Bread! I am so excited to keep trying all these Rapid Rise recipes! Such fun....boththe crafting of the loaves and the eating part too!

I tried to make a few tries to bottle or jar from my kitchen (EDM # 7)...and found out this is not anything I am capable of!!! I ended up just doodling my name over top of all tries, and let's just say I will leave it at that. Moving on to the next EDM (Everyday Matters) which you can find HERE. I just realized that drawing a jar or bottle from your kitchen is #7. Somehow I thought it was #5!!! LOLOL! Guess I will go back now and do # 5, which is to draw your bed!!! No easy challenge! Yikes.

Have a nice Thursday tomorrow! xoxo- Julie


  1. Those breads look so lovely. I wish I could smell them through my computer!

  2. That french bread looks so yummy. I haven't baked much bread. As you say it is time consuming. EDM looks like fun. I would think drawing jars is easier than drawing one's bed.

  3. Mmmm! Fresh bread is the best thing to smell as you're walking through the door. I used to bake sourdough bread all the time when we lived in Illinois and Kentucky. After a while, though, the starter got out of hand, and I had to stop it. I couldn't bake it fast enough to keep up, and friends got tired of me trying to hand it off to them. I'll have to try the recipe you recommend. It looks wonderful.

  4. Gee whizz! I have missed so much. I tried to have a blog free week... But just busted! So glad I have seen your night walk with doozy and looooove your bread. ! Glad to see you are still doing edm. I will try to keep going. Every hard one seems too put the breaks on for me! I am wondering how you will draw your bed!

  5. That is one thing I have not made. I have a wonderful cookbook just on bread making too. Your house must of smelled wonderful. : ) Yummy.

  6. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, LOVE fresh, warm bread! I'll have to try this. The EDMs are so cool - you should keep going!

  7. mmmmmm bread... my weakness... they look amazing!

  8. This bread looks so nummy. It reminds me of when my mom baked huge Challah braided breads, and years ago when I too baked my own bread. It's been a while. Bet the house smelled wonderful from it.

    Julie, thanks so much for taking the time to figure out and even get help with the voting for my Swan quilt. And to have your daughter vote as well. I am so touched by this. Hugs from me!!!!

  9. We take the cheater's way out when it comes to making bread. We have a bread-maker ---and can really make some fabulous breads in it. Right now, we have a sweet bread ---but the one we'll make next is a Sour Cream/Onion bread.... YUM...

    Yours looks wonderful, Julie.

  10. Hi Julie
    Those loaves look amazing. I am going to try that recipe..yum yum! Isn't that something. I will have to read the recipe. I do use rapid rise yeast.

    Now for the recipe for the pulla. I use bread machine yeast when I'm using the bread machine. I do use the exact amount amount of yeast as the recipe calls and it really rises a lot so I think it must be sensitive to the kind of yeast bread machine vs regular yeast Julie.

    I have to say I add more cardomom as well. I like to use some ground but also I have whole cardamom that I "pound" into finer pieces.

    Happy bread baking!

  11. That looks really really good!

  12. Wow...the loaves look perfect!! Yummy too!

    Your vases came out nice...the only thing I can doodle well is my name!

  13. I can't wait for computer's to come with smell!!! hee hee Those are so beautiful! I may have to try your recipies. I have not made bread in years but sounds fun! It is well worth the effort.

  14. I agree with everyone, i bet your house smelled divine with that bread!
    Your drawings look great!

  15. Yummy bread! I love breads very much, especially the newly baked fresh ones!

  16. thanks for the recipe link Julie.....I just started baking breads a few years ago and love to try new recipes.

    Your loaves look amazing!
