Monday, June 14, 2010

Elephant, pink eyed peas, wildlife and more...

OK, first, I apologize to all Cactus Monday folks that I have no cactus anything here today. I am just plain exhausted and cannot think about one more thing today!!! My daughter and I took the kids to a wildlife rescue, and we walked in the heat (although we did have a lot of shade here, from massive trees, thank God)...the pic below is of the three of them posing on a large cat statue there. It was a neat place with a new permanent black bear habitiat, which was really awesome to see!

I did 4 loads of laundry, and cleaned, and took the kids to a park for 1.5 hours, made dinner, fed everyone, and tended to the garden. Here is a pic of the first pink-eyed pea I took off my plants to check the size of the peas...and they were perfect! Of course, I had to share it with you, and see...they really are pink-eyed, rather than black-eyed! They are ultra sweet, and it sure is easy to see when they are ready to come off the plants due to the color change. I cannot recommend planting them highly enough. Of course, my middle name should be FUN, so these plants are perfect for me!!!

Here is Donovan's finished paper mache elephant! It turned out so cutely! He was so proud showing his mom and dad! Now we are thinking we must make some Fathers Day gifts from the left over glue/water mixture. I am thinking of fashioning an alligator pencil holder for my husband. He loves alligators!!!

Here are a few shots of Donovan's zinnia pot. The last pic is of the latest one, a very tall, ballet pick flower! This pic does not do it is really beautiful! Can you see how tall the one is compared to the others???

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. A beautiful shot of your family and what a full day you had. : ) Those peas are just wonderful and it amazing what it out there of use to grow. I have had a garden for 10 years now and still get excited.

    That elephant really came out cute and I think Donovan has a knack for gardening. Have a wonderful evening.

  2. Hi Julie, The elephant turned out GREAT... I know you ALL are pleased with it....

    Great picture of your daughter and the grands...

    AND--I'm glad you like the Purple Hull peas... I love them!!!!

    Great pictures of your zinnias.


  3. Awwww...what a cute looking family. It sure sounds like you've been busy, Julie. I've never heard of pink-eyed peas but they look good enough to eat. :)

    Btw, that is one cute looking elephant! No wonder Donovan is so pleased with himself.

  4. Busy lady...havning fun can be tiring, I know.

  5. Oh I love that wonderful elephant and the pink eyed peas look interesting, dont think we have them here.

  6. Hi Julie
    Donovan made that elephant?? Wow. I love it. Sweet flowers too.
    You had the busiest day and I can't even imagine you could do laundry and didn't order in pizza. No wonder you were feeling a little bit tired. I'm sure you had a really good time doing it all though...well except for that darn laundry.

    I tried to email you that Pulla recipe last night but it came back. I used the email I had used last time so I'm going to check your sidebar and see if there is a change.

    Have a great day

  7. Hi Julie
    Me again.
    I can't find another email address for you here on your blog.
    If you email me I'll email you back the recipe.
    and..I love your beans. Great job and did they taste yummy too?

  8. So many fun things to enjoy on this post.
    Pink-eyed peas? hmm, never heard of them. Do they taste good?
    Love Donovan's blooms and his art!
    And we forgive you for no cactus monday. lol

  9. pink eyed peas! how cute. So did you just boil them? I'm so excited they were delicious and are growing so well. i love fun veggies too. maybe i need to try these next year? i've never grown shelling peas, i'm too lazy to do that much work for a veggie. i want to be able to just crunch on it fast!

    love the zinnias. that one is a whopper. love the perspective.

    the elephant!!!! it's perfect. what a fun project. you are the best grandma ever. lucky lucky kids.

    you had a very busy day. hope you can rest some today and enjoy your gorgeous gardens.

    thanks for foxtail fern name, i couldn't remember!
    thanks too for visiting me and making me feel special.
    you're the best Julie.
    Big hugs.

  10. Sounds like lots of fun. Try to get some rest so you don't get sick again.

  11. Very cute Donovan !!!! I made a elephant with paper with my pupils when I read Elmer
    I gave you an Award on my blog

  12. Good heavens, woman. I am exhausted just thinking about doing all of that. And you down there with all that heat...whew!!!!!!! I'd be building a few naps in my day. jan

  13. That elephant is so cool. Every time I visit your blog I want to get up and do something crafty like you.

  14. thats one BIG day! I love the pink eyed peas. I will look for them in spring when I start my vege garden! And that elephant is excellent. It really turned out so well! Your daughter and grand kids look so happy :-)

  15. All I have to say... is that is one amazing paper mache elephant! I'm blown away!
