Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ants and aphids...

First, just let me say thanks for all your congratulations on my new job. I sure hope it pans out to be perfect...I am always looking for the perfect job!!!

Now, as for why you always see ants around aphids.....I never knew the reason why...I thought the ants wanted to eat them, but oh no...that's not this if you want to know! Warning! It's gross!


  1. I know that they suck the juices out of the aphids and will move the aphids from plant to plant if they think the aphids are threatened.

  2. Nice macro. Ants are gross but useful creatures. Ditto for the aphids. They keep the ants and other insects fed. I hate it when my plants are infested with them though.

  3. I am so happy for you - Vickie (MLF)
