Saturday, July 17, 2010

Doozey says hi, and job update...

Hi on Saturday evening! I was finally able to take the test they sent me for the job I had applied for! It was a really funny test! The first page asks you what you think people expect you to be like (ie: nice, calm, friendly, charitable), and you check off words that you feel fit that. Then, the second page are the same words that you check off as ones you feel you are! I wonder if they can actually tell anything from what seems like psycho-babble. It is used around the world in many countries by different companies, and in 60 different languages, it said, at the end. Hmmmm...well, I find it all interesting anyway!!! :)

I had gone out shopping with my Mom and daughter this afternoon, and got home about 4:30pm, and hubby said I had gotten a call from them (on Saturday)??? Wowzers! I called her back, but she was not at her desk, so I left a message. I sure hope it is to say "Welcome, and, BTW, can you come for orientation on Monday"??? LOL.

I need to stay calm, because they could be calling to tell me I don't fit the qualifications (they are looking for someone bilingual, which I am not). But they did say PREFER me that means, they would still consider someone who is not. So, I am sitting by the phone, waiting. If she doesn't call me this evening, I will call her back and give her my cell phone, which is in my pocket every minute of every day.

To help me stay calm, is my sidekick, the ever cute and adorable, DOOZEY GIRL!!!!!

Oh, and , BTW, have I told you how we are having a Mango-fest here, every darn day??? My cousin (4 doors down), and my neighbor (2 doors down)have trees. Neither of these folks or families of these folks, eat mangoes! They let me get all their fruit, which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I cut it all up and keep it cold in the fridge, and BAM, it is just waiting for you to come and get it, and put it on ice cream, eat it plain, squirt it with whipped cream, or put it in a smoothie! Lawsy, I am having fun with my mango!!! They are really just starting to fall out of the trees now though, and I feel in a month I will be sick of it. It seems all of this stuff that grows so well in the south (ie: mango, guavas, okra, black eyed peas, and collards) are all things that maybe a lot of people don't really care for. I am searching for any good okra recipes I can use when my crops come rolling in! I should have quite a haul, since I just read that the average family would be fine with 4 okra plants, and I have 31. My Mom has 26! I think we are gonna be in trouble! I see some pickling in my future!!!

Keep your fingers crossed, still, for the job to come through! xoxo- Julie


  1. well, lets put it this way... when okra starts producing, it has to be picked every day. Those pods grow quick! You are gonna be soooooo sick of okra... LOL. here's an idea... put a sign in the front yard and sell it for 50 cents a lb...

    I love mangoes, but I don't think I could eat that much of them.

  2. Doozey you are a movie star! We would love to have you back on KS&Co if you can get your mom to bring you. We are having a party in August - Woofstock! Proves to be fun with tie dye and flower power. LOL

  3. I will keep my fingers crossed!!!!!
    Loved that story about the spychological test :P
    Whatever it takes Julie. Hope they pick you!!!!
    Mango fest! Wow! I love mangos.
    And then that cute Doozey.........I can eat her up too!

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. LOL, Doozey is cute, but I don't think she's too keen on having the camera in front of her face :).

    I love mangoes, yummy. We used to have a plant when I was a kid - so nice when it was mango season. We could choose and write our names on as many as we wanted, as long as we ate them!

    Good luck with the job!

  5. Cute video of Doozey.... And --I love Mangos so you are lucky to get as many as you want.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get that job.... Please keep us posted.


  6. Fingers are crossed. Doosey is a doll.

  7. my fingers and toes are all crossed, you will get it- i feel it in my waters.
    oooh cutie pie doozey hello little cutie pie.(not you, the dog)

  8. Doozey is adorable. I have a boston terrier named Scout. I will post about her soon.

    I wish I had access to all the mango's I could eat. I would be sick but never tire of them. You are so lucky! Hey they freeze great. Start doing that. You wouldn't believe how much frozen ones cost.

    And I am wishing you much luck on the job! Hope you get a positive call soon.

    Happy Sunday!

  9. Such torture you have to endure until you hear from the job people. Argh!!! Good luck and don't worry yourself to death! jan

  10. OOOOH Doozy!!!!
    Finally got myself here. Thanks for telling me this was here. Made me smile. Such a sweetheart and gorgeous is right. She is Bo's sister! I have so much catching up to do. I love your photos!!!!! Everything looks so green and your art pages are fantastic Julie. Wow wow wow. Congrats on the job. You rock!
