Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Find the Broms!

I picked up a pot which held 4 bromeliads, at a local nursery today. They are the medium green ones with the light leaf edges! I think they are striking looking, even though they didn't have any pink on them, as I had wanted! The pot of 4 was 14 dollars, which I supposed was quite reasonable. I have these new ones plus the 4 others (with pink tips) that I had picked up alongside the road a few weeks ago! Can you see them all tucked into the lower branches of my hibiscus by the front door??? I like this because I can see them each and every day!

And a few close ups!

This is just the beginning! I hope to find some other smaller, brightly colored ones...and hope they keep their color in this lower light situation! It is still fairly bright, anyway, being in south Florida...I can only keep my fingers crossed! My #1 source for beautiful bromeliads is closed right now...for the whole month of August!!! Drat.


  1. I really like the one that is varigated. I have never seen one like that. You are having too much fun girl.

  2. I love the jungle look to all these branches!
    Your banner is terrific too! ;-)

  3. They look great, Julie....I can't wait to see the various flowers they produce ~ :)

  4. Beautiful acquisition. The Bromeliads are lovely and with the affection with which you have posted them i am sure they are going to come out very fine.

  5. I'm sure there's plenty of light! I actually have some of the same ones and they look better with a little shade. Good find!

  6. I love this Julie! What a great idea to have them right outside your door. You can admire them every time you come and go. Looks like one is getting a flower. I bet they do really well there. And for $14.00 what a great deal!

  7. your broms are lovely I did not know you could grow them on trees...do you just plonk them there or do you have to tie compost or some sort of soil round the roots.

    I would love to know how to do this.

  8. forgot to mention the picture on your banner it is a great photo of succulents. Perhaps you can tell me what my poor little neglected plant is that I have posted on my blog. It has just flowered for the first time. Can you have a loot at http://shirleystwistedthreads.blogspot.com

  9. Hi Shirley...I am coming over to visit you now, but want to say that the broms are watered in the center cup of the leaves...about once a week, I've read...or by rain. The roots can be arial, and you can either glue or tie the plant to the tree branches and it is supposed ot develope roots that will anchor it to the tree...the roots are specifically for this purpose. Isn't it amazing? I suddenly came upon this idea when I found my first 4 bromeliads along side the road that someone was throwing away, and as they were sitting on my porch alongside the hibiscus there, it came to me to try this! So far I just adore seeing them there when I come and go from the house!!! :)
