Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lightly raining...

Remember this old photo of my Chicken Scratch embroidery? I need to get back to this project! I love embroidery, and just never seem to do it. Maybe it is because I blog too much, and read too much, in a sitting down position...when I should be out walking and getting fresh air and sunshine. It is funny, down here in south Florida, it is the opposite of cold climates where you stay inside all winter. I suddenly realized it when I found myself making bread in the dead of this stinkin summer heat! You HAVE TO find things to do in the air conditioning!!!!! Ain't it the truth, all of you people who live in scalding hot climates??? Anyway, I hope to get busy on this embroidery again soon!

It is lightly raining outside, as I sit here on the couch on my 10 inch mini laptop looking out to the east, and along the back fence where I see a large croton, and a mixture of my "jungle" plants, including my huge numbers of Gloriosa lilies, which are still not blooming (bummer). I love to see the rain softly falling on all my plants and yard. It is so soothing to ones soul. I like the idea of it possibly (and I mean possibly) cooling down just a tad.

The first day of fall I will have a small party. When I was a teenager, I would open my bedroom windows, have candles burning in all the windowsills for the lovely smell, with music playing, and I would clean, and bring snacks and drink to my room, where I could dream and read. I remember that so well, a memory that returns each summer. So, I plan on candles, windows and doors wide open, music playing, and a clean house with the smells of Lysol wafting through the air.

I can hardly wait!! Only 3 more months to go.


  1. So far we have had the hottest summer ever here. Probaby not as bad as yours nor as long but it is too much for me. I will also be looking forward to those cooler temps. Your embroidery project looks like fun. I like to do it too but I am not good at it.

  2. I totally get the idea of needing to be outside. I thought exactly the same thing today. Staying inside so much is making me depressed. When I go outside and play I feel better. But, I am also feeling too lazy to go out.

    I love embroidery. I have been feeling the need to do that this week. I may channel it to ATCs.

  3. Sounds like bliss! I am eager for a season change too...

  4. Now I'm going to be different. I like the hot weather. I really can not stand to be cold at all. Since our winter was so long and terrible I couldn't wait for this summer. So I don't want it to end. It could go on for the rest of the year!!!!!!

    But your windowsill candles sounds nice, what a great memory!

  5. Life is great as great memories kept you moving forward.
    Music, candy, snacks...who don't love them.
    I bet you have a great summer again!

    Love the "J" font on the making! It's "J" for Julie, "J" for joy, jolly, just so easy, juicy day...

  6. Lovely. I like the idea of monogrammes in chicken scratch. well done, thanks for the link.
