Thursday, August 12, 2010

Succulent tire revised!

Today I got invigorated, partly because I have recieved and found such amazing Kalenchoes, and even though it is so darn hot outside, I just HAD to get one of my tires revised today. I had the time also, which is rare.

I took everything out, and decided to NOT put back in a few things. I am moving my Fairy Castle Cactus, the Thimble Cactus, and an aloe that I am not sure of the variety, into the screenroom. They were just not fairing as well as they should be in the full sun.

In their place I added in a Cereus forbesii monstrose (in the rear right of tire), and an Escobaria missouriensis with lots of small babies (in left hand side), the Ferocactus latispinus (round spiny guy in front), three peices of mammillaria (seen on far right of pic), and a Euphorbia lactea cristate (back left).

The pic in the middle is the backside of the tire, or the side away from where I look out and see it from my kitchen window. I washed and replaced my sea shells as the top dressing, and I think it looks all smart, snappy and delightful once again! YEAH!!! Have a good new life all my little beauties!!!


  1. Wow, this looks great Julie. The plants even look happier.

  2. Those are some beautiful textures and colors, Julie. So far I've only been experimenting with succulents as houseplants, some being successful subjects and some not. I'm not ready to take them to the next level--in the big, bad, outdoors! I envy your chutzpah!

  3. Looks great! I'll also take a browse through that cactus collection site.

  4. hmmm... that escobaria looks familiar...

    glad to see everything doing so well... they should grow in rather nicely.

  5. Love the changes and that montrose is awesome. I bet it will do awesome in this sun. And those shells are great. I use shells sometimes when I cover the dirt but I don't have so many. I think I can get them at Walmart. Great idea! Hey check it out, I found a name for your Kalanchoe!

  6. Very nice as you are the one that inspired me to have a tire in my garden...boy does it need a makeover!

  7. You were busy!
    Turned out great!

  8. Giving new meaning to recycling - I LOVE IT! Great succulent share. Happy Flower Flaunt Friday!

  9. wowsers you have such green fingers (and toes too i guess) i love this.

  10. You have the best spare tires in town, just full of beauty!

  11. Your new arrangement makes your plants look happy. I love that dark green plant...bottom photo...plant in the back on the right. Very cool. We don't have these things this far north, so far as I know. jan

  12. Great revised tire. Love the sea shells.

  13. It looks great...those seashells are a winner!

  14. Congratulations on your blog and work with tires ... I also do things with the tires ... I leave my blog address if you want to see ...
