Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Continuing on with bead projects!

Now that my aphids are all dead and gone, I can concentrate on beads once again! Tonight my hubby got home from work and handed me a little package. It was from the gal in his office I had sent a variety of 10 beads to, so she could make jewelry. Well, lo and behold, she sent them back to me as a bracelet, so I could show what I had made! She put them on a stretchy band and put little silver spacers in between each bead! I LOVE IT!!!

I really like that it has a lot of different colors in it, and I feel I may just wear it till it wears out. I will put it right here on the blog so I will know if the beads show any deterioration or just fall apart (I hope never)!!! Anyway, she also asked me to make her beads!!! I tell you, I am enjoying it so much, I may do it just for the cost of the varnish!

Here are 20 little bitty ones I made for her tonight! I am putting 3 coats of glossy clear fingernail polish on them and that seems to be just enough shine. These measure about 3/8th of an inch in length. You can't really tell it here, but these were made from one single page from a magazine that has a dark cranberry, brown and black as it's primary colors and they look very rich, and also sort of gothic to me. Modern and sleek.

Now here are the ones I made for my sister who has been wearing a lot of lime green she says! I added the little clear cut beads in between, and am looking for what will be perfect spacers for her beads, still. These are just there for the pictures. Anyway, my Mom has agreed to do the making into a bracelet part for me (thank God)...and we are doing them on wire with a silver lobster claw clasp with a safety. I am thinking we will use Swarovsky crystals and silver for spacers to give it a real upgraded look, since she will be wearing it for her very professional job!

I have never been one to enjoy making jewelry, but this process of just making the beads, is wonderful!!! Who would have known??? Hehehe.

If you should decide to try this craft, here are a few things I have learned already:

1. Look for a page that has similar color theme throughout, and use it to cut all of the beads you can for a unified look. I did this for the lime green and the cranberry, brown and black minis above.

2. If your page has multiple colors on it, remember to cut so that the narrowest end has the color you want to see on it, as this will be your most outer layer.

3. Keep experimenting with everything, so you can find out what works best. Every time I look at a new page, I think of something to try. For example, one free advertisement that came in the mail, I noticed, has a solid black border on the edge of each page. Now, that has become my next 20 beads...they will be all black and I will make them very tiny as accent beads, and they are gonna be so great...I can already tell that I will really love them!

Hope you enjoyed seeing all my beads so far!!!
Have a good rest of the week!


  1. Those are really lovely. Where did you learn how to do those? I'm sure there are places online, but do you have a recommendation?

    The little dark ones remind me of the eggs my big stick insect laid a few years ago.

  2. Julie, I think you have started a wonderful little industry for yourself! Wishing much success. I love all of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go~!

  3. I gotta tell ya a couple of things. 1st love the new blog layout. 2nd these beads are so cool. I looked at your earlier posts last night and even looked at the link on how to make them. So creative. Love how you can make different shapes and colors!

  4. Wow these are fun Julie!
    I can imagine that it almost like meditating or making a mandala to make these beads.......
    I think you have come up with a lot of perfect ideas.

    Have fun dear!

  5. This is a really nice post - enjoyed reading about your project and looking at the results. Very nice beads and bracelets.

  6. I admire the patience you have to do such a thing. When I think of rolling those beads and then having to do several coats of laquer on them my eyes roll. I doubt I could sit still long enough to do it. They are beautiful. Your sister will love this.

  7. Julie, those beads of yours are beautiful andI love the colors. The possibilities for these beads are endless. You can add all kinds of other beads and embellishments to them. Enjoy and happy beading.
    Bobbie Lynn

    P.S. Glad to hear you got the aphids under control. I need to keep watch here too. This is the time the come back into the garden.

  8. Back in the day - I used to make bracelets & necklaces out of chewing gum wrappers. Your beads are much more elegant. I might give them a try. It looks like fun.

  9. Hi, your rolled magazine paper beads are delightful and they look so nice strung with other beads. I especially love the lime green ones.

  10. These are so wonderful Julie! Love the bracelet she made. You make the whole process look so interesting.

  11. very pretty. thanks for all your visits and comments over the years. later

  12. Very pretty! I found it was more fun to make jewelry when I made my own beads too. I made a pin and a bunch of necklaces from colored sculpy a few years back. I even made a broach that was inspired by pokeberries. :)

  13. Isn't it amazing how gorgeous those beads look??? I am surprised every time I see them. jan

  14. beautiful bead bracelet!! I am sure you had lot of fun making them!!

  15. Hello Julie,
    Thank you so much for you sweet comments. : ) The zinnias are probably one of my favorite flowers to grow from seed. They are a flower that will bring a smile to anyones face. I'm happy that you got Donovan to grow a flower from seed. It is a wonderful lesson and a good time to bond with the grandchildren. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
    Bobbie Lynn

  16. Beautiful bracelets!! The silver spacers are a nice touch too.
