Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Cactus Monday!

I was left with a little bit of free time today, so I went outside, watered and fertilized, and re-sprayed my okra plants with Eco Sense (insecticidal soap). Then I took a long walk and found this really amazing fruit (love the color) on this big succulent plant that belongs to a neighbor! From the sidewalk, I thought it was a fake orange someone had stuck on it, but I soon discovered it was REAL! Isn't it just the prettiest color??? It was so cool to find.

Then, I read a little bit of my library book about Susan Boyle, singer from Britains Got Talent, and I made a rather large paper bow from an old one page coffee shop newspaper I was ready to throw away. It turned out cutely, I think. Hope everyone is well.


  1. I like the bow - very sculptural! Sounds like a nice day gardening and relaxing :). Have a nice week... Oh, it's Monday - HCM. I have forgotten! Must dig into my archive - it's raining again here...

    Have a nice week, Evelyn

  2. Wow what great finds!
    That cactus with fruit!
    And I love that bow! Wouyld look great on a gift!

    Happy Cactus Monday!

  3. What a monsterous fruit on that succulent. I have never seen a bow made from newspaper. You have so many talents.

  4. It does look like a orange...nice! Great bow!!!

  5. I've missed so many posts! Sorry to hear about the loss of your job. I'm sure an even better one will come your way soon. I love the bow. You always have something creative and thrifty going on.

  6. Amazing cactus fruit!!! Wow!
    Your bow is terrific too. I think you should wear it in your hair though. ;-)
    I wonder how Susan Boyle is fairing?
    I understood she'd wound up in the hospital a few times (?) from her ordeal of becoming an over night star. I hope she is doing well and making money with her beautiful singing voice now.

  7. Cool there anything you can't do! Like the cactus too, especially the giant fruit!

  8. Wow kiddo what a coincidence. My cactus gave me some of these great big orange fruits. I pulled off 2 of them. They had already split open but one just barely. I cut it the rest of the way and it was still very moist and wet with lots of tiny black seeds. I tasted it and yum! Tasted like kiwi. Gave my family a taste and they liked it too. So when they are red like that you should pop them off and cut open. If you wait till they pop they are too dried out and you can't eat them.

  9. I just love how these fruit give a little bit of color to a cactus. Hey, love that bow also. Are you going to give us instructions?

    ❤HCM❤ a bit belated.

    I pray the right job finds you!

  10. Oh how funny! I wonder if they know how many ways we use these other than reading. Lol
