Friday, October 22, 2010

Curls, Smiles, Flowers and Clafouti

Hello!!! Tonight I have a variety of pics. The cutest ones are of my grandkids, of course! I was looking at Emily's head as she was turned around in the bathroom last night and saw this (I did not mess with it at all, this is all natural, lucky girl)! :

Then she turned around and I saw this:

Then a few shots of Donovan being his usual fun and handsome self:

I made a wonderful dessert last night! It was a
Pear Clafouti recipe from Organic Gardening.Com. You can see a pic of it at this website. I had to make it once I saw the pic and read the recipe!!! The only problem was that I couldn't afford the fresh pears for it. I figured I would need 8 pears and the least expensive ones were a dollar each! Good lord, I may as well go to the Cheesecake Factory for that price!!! With all of the other ingredients it would have been well over 14 dollars!

So I substituted apples. We looked for MacIntosh, but only found Jonathan apples (all the others were crunchy ones). I also added about a tablespoon of Apple Pie Spice, and when I went to get my flour, I was all out of white, so had to use whole wheat. I did make a little more of the crust too, just because it was kinda scant and I figured "Why not"??? I'm glad I did it...the whole thing was fantastic! A lovely fall dessert. Here is what was left of mine after we all had some...(I am polishing off the last bit tonight)!

A huge okra bloom was opened this morning and I ran out as quickly as I could to snap a few pics! (They close up quickly). I am so in love with these hibiscus relatives!!! A few close ups:

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!!!


  1. Your dessert looks yummy. So does those curls on your granddaughters head. What sweeties you have.

  2. Love the pix of the grands-so adorable!
    Hmm, that dessert looks yummy.
    that flower is almost x-rated. lol

  3. wow to those curls and your handsome grandson too, with those young cavity free teeth. I wish you lived close, I have BAGS of pears from a friends orchard in Maine. But I love how you experimented and made due with what you had and could afford. Wonderful.
    And oh, those flowers, gorgeous! Glad you took the time to get some photos.
    Happy weekend to you too Julie.

  4. Cute kids, yummy dessert and pretty flowers...just perfect!

  5. Those curls are to die for. My husband has the most beautiful curly hair. I was hoping one of my kids would have curly hair. Bug NOOOOO they both have my straight as a board brown hair.

    Your desert looks awesome. I always like to use Jonathon apples in my pies. They are the best.

    And those blooms are so beautiful!

  6. wow, those gorgeous blonde curls!. Love your okra blooms too. I think I have been inspired by you to plant some.
