Thursday, October 28, 2010

A new blog started and carrots planted!

This morning my DIL and I and daughter and baby ran around doing some chores. DIL is a bridesmaid this weekend and she is closing up loose ends getting ready. I polished up some 6mm white pearls I had made years ago on sterling silver lever-backed earrings. They look very shiny and ready to wear now. She is wearing pearl earrings, necklace and braclet, and will look very pretty with her dress of a satiny material sort of a dark brown, purple shade (VERY BEAUTIFUL)! I think she will look like Cinderella, except with Snow White's hair, LOL!!!!

Ran to Home Depot to buy my favorite organic cow manure compost (it's very inexpensive too)...and got my three new pickle green 5 gallon tubs filled with the compost and some Miracle Gro soil on top, and planted my Big Top Carrot seeds! I can hardly wait to see how they do both in the containers and in that mixture. I will take a pic of them when the seedlings are up! Buddha is watching over them out there for me! Hehehe. We calculate they should be ready by Christmas, and for grandson, Donovan's we decided we will be making a fresh carrot cake!!! He is excited...yeah!

I am washing my new uniforms, checking to see if I still own any socks, and getting paperwork ready to take to work tomorrow. Our job ads look really terrible here...narry a job listed. I am feeling grateful for my new job.

I was playing around last night (late) trying to make some paper beads to be like the Pandora or Trollbead style...and this is what I did. I rolled them on a wider stick (a skewer) and actually painted them. This morning I am putting a few coats of glossy nail polish over top and they are actually really pretty. I may need to make enough to try a bracelet.

I started a new blog...granted, it may not be frequently updated, just as my ATC and collage cards blogs are (not)...but it is a record for myself as to what I am doing or have done. Maybe someone can be inspired by some little thing there. I hope so. The new blog is here at "Let It Beads".


  1. I had to look back to find out what kind of job. So happy for you and I hope the 12 years go fast. lol
    You have been busy while I have been riding in the car and then cleaning. I'm happy to be catching up on your life.

  2. Hello Julie!
    It's so good to hear that you are busy for goods, making some paper beads to trying out a bracelet....also starting a new blog!
    Congrats and let me peep in and say "HI"!

    Btway, your two little grandchildren looked great!
    They had so much fun playing with the pumpkins!

  3. Wow, someone I know actually got a job!! Congrats Julie. I hope you love it!!

    I love those beads. Wow! Now I'm off to your new blog ;)

  4. Hi Julie
    What have I missed? Are you working??? I thought you were not last time I knew...????

    I wish we could grow carrots and have them ready for Christmas but nope not around here this time of year.

    Your beads really are amazing. You will definately have to make more and make a bracelet. You are just soooo clever Julie!

    I will check out your new blog...boy its hard for me to keep up with one. *s*..

    I hope you have a Happy Hallowe'en...maybe you'll be taking the little ones out..

    have a good weekend.

  5. Good luck with your carrots and what gorgeous beads Julie, Wow. Have a great weekend.

  6. Good luck with the new jog and blog. I hope the job prospects pick up all across the country.

  7. Wow I love those beads! Great idea. I will check out the blog. How do you have time for all these blogs? I am so glad you are excited about and have a new job. It is no picnic for the unemployed out there. We have one living here (my son Jordan). Tough to find anything!

  8. Your blogs are fun Julie. I didn't realize you had others. It is like most people don't realize I have two blogs. Ha... Good luck with your new job. The job force here is shrinking too. Scary.

  9. those beads are amazing. I thought you were dabling with polymer clay. Your fine motor skills are superb...

  10. Congratulations on your first day!!! And the new blog! The beads are gorgeous!

  11. It's about time I make my way to FL...the land where carrots are planted in October and eaten in December. Donovan being excited about a carrot birthday that's a great kid. Of course, he's great, he's your grandson.

    I planted cucumbers, peppers and pumpkins in containers and they did great considering how small the containers were. Will do it again next summer with 5 gallon tubs like yours.

    Luv the color of your paper beads. Very pretty. I'm off to check out "Let It Beads"...clever name.

    Yes, we grew just one Kong sunflower. It was an experiment. Not much sun back there and only a small planting bed.

    Up North Donna

  12. Hello, what is the brand of the organic cow manure you like to use? I'll have to keep my eyes open for it here on the West Coast.

  13. Kristi- THe brand is called Timberline Organic Compost with Cow Manure. I find it at Home Depot. The bag is white, yellow and black.
