Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rag Rug attempt!

Well, this has ben fun! This morning, I ripped a queen sheet into 1.5 inch strips. Then I sewed them end to end on the bias (for strength, I assume). Then I rolled the whole mess into a ball of "yarn".

This afternoon, I started to crochet a rag rug. I had read some tips and watched a few YouTube videos on HOW TO, so I just forged ahead. I chained about 12 inches, then begand to crochet in a round, around the middle 12 inches worth (to make an oval shape). As you can see, it is turning out to me more of a rectangle!!!

I used up all of my queen flat sheet tonight, and tomorrow I plan to shred up another one with mostly blue in it to continue building outward. The rug has a nice soft cushy feel to it, and it is heavy, so should lay well. I am trying to think of a way to attach a non-skid back to it, but still be able to remove it for washing. Velcro comes to mind...we shall see.

The rug (in this lighting) looks mostly a beige color. Well, the sheet was beige with a gren, a cranberry and a blue plaid in it. You can see it better up close and personal in real life. Hehehe. It will definately look good with a border color...and I am looking forward to finishing it soon!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far!


  1. Clever you, I cant crochet for nuts, has never been my thing.

  2. Brilliant! What a fabbo idea for an old sheet. You could even dye the whole thing if the colours are too drab for you!?

  3. That looks pretty cool! Is it hard on fingers to crochet rags?

  4. You are such a busy girl. This looks like fun.

  5. Well aren't you industrious! Isn't it it amazing what you can learn on Youtube?! My daughter has made some of these also. have fun.

  6. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THIS! I'm currently into crochet and this may have to be on the list. Wow! jan

  7. Wow, that's a great idea! I never thought of tearing up material and crocheting with it. Looks great!

    Thanks so much for the good luck wishes with the sketchbook project!!! :) :) :)

  8. What a fabulous way to recycle old sheets!! Great job, Julie!

    Btw, I just place the non-skid meshing directly onto the floor where I want a mat to sit, then place the mat over the top...it works a treat, doesn't move and you can wash the mat as desired. :)

  9. Hi Julie
    What a great rug! Well with the way you are tearing up your sheets you had better make it large enough to use on your bed..*lol*.
    Thats a great job Julie. It looks green to me actually...interesting.

    You can buy that rubbery "meshy" skid material stuff that you can just keep under the rug or perhaps you could hand stitch some of the corners of it. Its soft and does not skid. Do you know what I mean? I have picked up placemat size pieces recently from a $Store and I'm sure you can get them from Lowes or something like that.


    p.s. have you tried your rose soap? I'm loving that fragrance mix myself...

  10. Judi- I actually gave the soap to my DIL, and she is living with ius now, so I will have to check it out when she opens it up! It sure smells good from the outside!!! I love it so much!!!

    Serena- thanks for letting me know it will work without attaching it...I want to be able to throw it in the washer when I need to! Thankyou!

    Darla- I am just eyeballing it after watching a few YouTube videos...I would say to just go for it and see what happens! Thats what I did! LOL!

  11. Looks cool!
    I remember when I was a kid my mom tried making a similar thing using the plastic bread wrappers. She cut them in long strips and crocheted them like a rug.

  12. My mum used to make these from all sorts of left-over materials (when she made us clothes). Nice to see that people are still making them.

  13. oh my gosh, so impressed with this and you! you always amaze me. thought of you today when i finally brought my succulents in for the winter.

  14. You are so creative, Julie! What a great use for old sheets. I'll bet it feels nice to bare feet. I haven't crocheted in so long, but I feel inspired to now. :D
