Monday, November 15, 2010

My carrots, and newest addition...kale!

I set up a tire of kale starts from Lowes a few days ago....all fresh compost and soil in I think it will be OK as far as any toxins leaching out of the tire. Here are my carrot pots, and a a cute shot of another okra bloom!

Hope everyone is having a good week. We are planning Thanksgiving already. My cousin and aunt will be here, and it will be a lot of fun. I'm hoping I won't have to work.

I never thought I would end up with a color coded garden! LOL! It's just the way it worked out. My green buckets are carrots.

Terracotta pots are eggplant, and orange buckets are okra. Kale is in the black tire! Hehehe.

The colors all make me happy...kinda adds a little extra pazzaz! Wish I could find a few purple buckets!!!


  1. Your vegetable container garden has me wishing it was spring so I could get going with planting. I bet Phillip would like planting carrots. We'll have to try it.

    Fingers crossed that you don't have to work on T-Day.


  2. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Thats a great idea having colour coded buckets! I hope you find purple too or maybe you need to spray paint some green ones purple.

    Isn't it great to be able to garden like that...this time of year...I can't get over that.

    Now you can make up your list for Thanksgiving...yummy...nice that you will have family over for this special time coming up.


  3. I planted the rest of my winter garden this past weekend and discovered that something has been chomping on the beets I sowed about six weeks ago. Whatever it was bit the tops right off and took almost every plant. Now I don't mind sharing with the critters, but that's a little extreme, don't you think?

    I hope you get some rest over the holiday. Your garden is looking great. Take care.

  4. You certainly have green fingers Julie!
    You even can let trees grow on earrings!!!!!


  5. I'm so jealous that you're planting when everything is going brown of getting killed by frost here.

    BTW, is that a pokeberry in your header? I love it, mine in the garden got HUGE this year. It was over 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide.

  6. Hi Mr. BT! You know...I was going to post this shrub/tree that I found on our nature walk because the trunk and branches were red, and then these lovely berries! If it is a Pokeberry, I will be so excited because I have always wanted to see one! This thing was so cool. I think I will post it now, and see what you think!
