Saturday, November 27, 2010

Palm Christmas tree!!!

Yes, I've seen palm trees lit up for Christmas, but this was my first time seeing one SHAPED like a Christmas tree!!! What made it really special for me, was that it is one of my fav palms...looks like a feather duster on top...LOL. So YEAH for feather duster Christmas trees!!!


  1. Is that a painting or a photo?

  2. That is so cool! What a great idea! I love the angle of this shot too!

  3. Lynn- I took this photo last night!! The whole place looked surreal.

  4. Hi Julie,
    Great photo there. That is really getting into the sprit. : ) I think this week out town will be lighting their Christmas tree and also have our Christmas parade. It's going to be very chilly out. The high today for us in sunny Covina is 58 and the low 37. We are not use this chilly weather. My zinnias I'm very surprised that they are toughing out the cold. The older plants I'm seeing some thinning but the newer ones seem to be fine. I can only come up why they are lasting, they are in full direct sun and they also have good air flow. But I'm as shock too. It was a really good year for them and the roses. What may do them in will be the winds that we are expected to have. Hope they can withstand. Good to hear that you stayed at home too. Maybe we can start something here, : ) Happy Sunday and blessings to you and your family.
    P.S. I've notice a changed too at Targets scrapbooking section too. Hum.

  5. It does have a surreal feel to it, Julie....lovely!

  6. Very cool! Much more fun than just winding up and down the trunk!

  7. Hi Julie!

    What a great Christmas tree! I have always loved palms with lights, but I'm with you...That is gorgeous!

    Hugs & Blesses, Chris

  8. Wonderful tree, made even better by the decoration.

  9. I think something more than a stepladder was needed to decorate this palm with lights. So, it's true....Christmas lights look pretty even without snow. lol


  10. Hi Julie
    Wow how festive is that in Florida...a beautiful lit up Christmas tree. I love that look. That is a really nice looking palm too...with that feather top. Do you decorate the palms and trees in your yard also?
    I've never to Florida for Christmas...have you been in the snow for Christmas?
    Have a great day!

  11. It does look like a feather duster or maybe like one of those headdresses that dancers used to wear in those elaborate Broadway shows.

  12. Thanks for posting the photo. I love the palm Christmas trees too!
